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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
A couple of my ex's were Libras. And regardless of who called the relationship off, the Libra always came back 1st.
But keep in mind that I used to be the typical overly-stubborn Aquarius. And they knew this. And it killed them inside b/c they knew that they didn't have a chance in hell at me giving in unless they made the 1st move.
Sometimes I think the Libras came back not b/c they wanted me back, but b/c they hate the silent treatment. It's like they want you to still be at home in bed, crying over them even if it was their idea to go separate ways. Libras know just how hard Aquarians love, so it throws them off when we can completely disappear even though we gave them the impression the whole relationship that our life would be completely F'd up without them.
It's like they come back just to test the waters. They hate making enemies with people, so sometimes they wait until the storm has settled before finally coming back & giving their apologizes and saying their peace/closure. To the other person, it may seem like a Libra is just playing mind games or is playing the push/pull game.
But now that I know more about Libras after having dealt with so many, I realize that this is not their intention. They hate tension. Whereas others completely stop caring about how they're perceived once a relationship is over, Libras STILL care! Even if they have a reason to hate you for the rest of their life, they can't necessarily stomach you hating them, even if they never intend on rekindling anything with you!
This is 1 of those things that may only make sense to Libras lol