Leo Lies or truths?

I agree 100 percent he is very admirable. ... but if he doesn't want to lie and say yes then why not say no... not yet or I care deeply but not quite love... why give me a speach about wanting me in his life he is committed to me and said he wants to be with me forever.... if not love then just tell the truth.... I'm alllllll about truth even if it iz what u don't want to hear.

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Have I mentioned how selfish Leo's are???
I'm on NC AGAIN - I was out with a friend last night and the Leo wanted me to come pick him up (probably because he had been drinking). I told him No, that I had already had a drink and I didn't want to be driving away from home (his place is opposite mine from where I was at).
So, because he doesn't want to put himself at risk, I'm expected to put myself at (greater) risk?
'Friendship' has been reevaluated!
I'm tempted to text him back. Given that it would be more of a personal attack on his character than anything else, I think I'll pass.

yea with a Leo your best bet is to let it go -- it didn't happen. he probably didn't mean anything by it and if he did -- he still didn't mean what you think. they do love the attention and yes that was his "subconscious" way of saying "I'm not your boyfriend" but listen to what he's not saying and follow his actions. he might be resisting or rebelling but from my experience with Leo, they live the attention but will only show it back when their ready to show it back. and it might be in a different way than with words. be prepared to play the Leo game too. 4-6 months, friends first, and at a snails pace :-/ yea that part sucks. but stick with it. if it's a Leo and you love him more than anything then it will be worth the wait. but keep in mind he's a 'Lion' and when his insecurities flair up he will roar at you but take it, flip your and roll out somewhere :-)
*Dont be afraid to leave. I'm a Gemini and when Leo acts a fool, I bounce. takes about 20 minutes for the "where you at text" to come through :-)
Good luck and don't give up. it's going to take awhile.
You know sometimes guys, people,just aren't very nice and you shouldn't give them the time of day.
That's all it boils down to- just take care of yourself and realise you deserve better treatment full stop.
So there's some heavy breathing coming from behind the dresser, I'm pretty sure the spider is all settled in for the night...
I can deal with that. Maybe.
cut off - two brothers neither of whom are "mammies boys", can't say I have met many men who would be labelled with that term, I have met plenty who respect and love their parents though and aren't afraid to show it.
Posted by Rabbit
I sound like I enjoy the smell of my own farts in this thread though.
I just really had to get stuff of my chest. If it helps other non-Scorps understand us Scorps a bit better, hey it all works out.

Here's a real Scorpio's thought process..

Sleeping with one eye open

Night night people =)
Posted by soultalk
Posted by africanqueen
I was never a doormat or desperate. .just like my previous reply shows..plz read it

Was that for my post? I did not mean doormat in any way, just that we like doing things that we think will make others happy, like you said you did what you thought leos would like. I do this too, and then get hurt when people take my niceness for granted. But if I feel hurt I stop, because yes we are not doormats.
click to expand

No sorry, that was for me. I didn't mean much by it don't worry, I retread and understand now =) hope it works out for you.
From what I've witnessed Leos have these soul-mate type connections with Aries' and Scorpios. Now do these two signs seem "nice" to you? These two signs are known for saying what they mean, and meaning what they say. Very honest. Virgos come off extremely insincere and fake when they are pretending to be something they're not or trying to act in a certain way. It looks awkward, unnatural, and uncomfortable. This is why they make horrible actors. They don't seem genuine when they are trying too hard. I don't mean to be harsh, because it's obvious you didn't have bad intentions...And I love Virgos.lol
But you guys come across super disingenuous, without realizing it. However, it's weird that he couldn't sense the sincere intentions underneath it all... because from experience I know the Leo ego will do anything to make all compliments/statements seem genuine and true...He's a douche.