Leo Lies or truths?

Posted by shorty1978
I agree that he does need healing it is clear to me that he has fears he may think he is fooling me but he is not. he is so tender and sweet he has this love inside that he pulls back from so often. sometimes i can see it in his eyes just the way he looks at me. I know that he was hurt pretty bad from his past relationship that was 4 years ago he said he is the one that ended it because of things she did to him and he is solid on his decision however I dont think he has let go fully... we were dating over a year and packing his place to move intother when he started tossing a bunch of stuff away that was all over his place that turned out to be stuff that was her's or stuff they had gotten together on trips... this threw me off a bit cause im thinking this whole time we have been spending time together your still holding on to memories of her?? he said he just never got around to getting rid of that stuff... but then after we moved intogether i was on the computer looking at photos to have a fathers day calage made for him when i found folder after folder full of photos of them... he said he hasnt gotten around to deleting them but i have asked him several times now to please do so and if he doesnt want to delete them then at least please but them on disks and delete them because this is our life now. he says he has moved on but I dont think he has...

For what it is worth-- I dated a LEO that kept up a pic of the old gf for a while.
I didn't make an issue out of it because it WAS an issue-- if that makes sense.
After I had been there for a month or two, he replaced it on his OWN with a pic of us.
I don't understand it, nor do I approve (it was a long time ago), but apparently it was something he had to work out on his own.

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Posted by sunnyvirgo83
4'11" 100 lbs you tell me!!!. I had a toy but I lost the cap to it!! Sad it was too small though, and I hid it under my pile of folded jeans...my parents walk in all the time so lol, it's like I have literally nothing to hide. I honestly don't mind, it doesn't bother me. I wish I did have a boyfriend, I have someone in my life I met online, but were just takin' it slow. So, I don't know!!!!...and I don't have much of a social life either!...so there u have it.

Your not that small your just right, I am thinking 4"9 90lbs lol, you lost the cap, that sucks. I am in the same boat with the social life also.
Posted by sunnyvirgo83
Posted by scorchedearth
virgo, you're kind of a creeper. i'm surprised the women are responding to you the way they are.

He's sexy! I'll respond lol.
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thank you, and your beautiful!
I feel that way all the time :-) #Gemini
Posted by auriqa
I have a bit of a floordrobe going on at the moment.

I have that problem too, I have to remind myself to be ambitiously lazy
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by BaitedFish
I wouldn't want anybody to open my night stand too coz that's where I keep my sex toys, condoms and lubricant.

what kind of toys and lubricant? Inquiring minds like to know?

Dildos and vibrators and a K-Y jell
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lot of artillery
Otoh...If someone says they depend on me to be there, I will. I force myself not to be flaky.
Posted by scorchedearth
virgo, would you let a woman peg you?

No i wouldn't
Laughing whilst drunk is pretty fun too smile
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by BaitedFish
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by BaitedFish
I wouldn't want anybody to open my night stand too coz that's where I keep my sex toys, condoms and lubricant.

what kind of toys and lubricant? Inquiring minds like to know?

Dildos and vibrators and a K-Y jell

lot of artillery
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Pretty much
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DMV
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DMV
Ask your virgo to guess...why u wanna know what some waitress is

I could care less...but it's funny that (if she was telling the truth) she doesn't fit the typical Scorpio description.

thread says differently

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I wanted other people to try and guess. I was already given an unsolicited answer.
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I not sure what you mean by this thread. Something is just very off with you and I cant quite put my finger on it. The thread in the scorpio section about your demons just seems very manipulative to me, a sort of excuse for your blogs of the past and the ones to come.
Eh, im just thinking out loud here. Observing