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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
You say you are an upfront person, right? Well why would you change that. If that's who you are & how you choose to communicate then own that!
It's not what you say or the fact that you speak up at all that may turn a Libra man (or any man) off. It's HOW you say it. If your tone is accusatory, dramatic & too elevated, that'd be cause for anyone to become defensive & take what you're saying the wrong way.
If you don't speak up now, you are signing up for the kind of relationship that is 1-sided. His feelings, what he has to say & what he "prefers," DOES matter. But your feelings, what you have to say & what you prefer matters too!
This is why they say communication is so important! Genuine communication is about being able to talk about things even when the conversation may be uncomfortable or negative. If you plan on having a good relationship that involves you not resenting your partner, then the FIRST thing you're gonna have to learn how to do is be yourself & communicate during uncomfortable times!
He probably didn't tell you b/c he was afraid you'd judge him. And from the sound of things, you probably would have lol Maybe he didn't tell you b/c he wanted to start fresh and new & felt that telling you would only be cause for him to be constantly explaining himself every time you bring it up or have questions. Or maybe he didn't tell you b/c he has something to hide. Who knows. Either way, lying was not fair, nor was it right.
The scary thing is though is that when someone lies to you about something that significant, it's only natural for the imagination to start thinking of all the other things he might have lied about.
The best way to stop the inevitable cycle of over-analyzing & draining yourself by doing so is to 1st ask yourself if you'd have the capacity to forgive him & trust him again persay he were to confess everything, be open about everything & promise you not to do it again. Only you know the answer to that