The Walking Dead Season Four

I hope they kill off rick and the old guy soon...seriously both get on my nerves!

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So you can change avatars without having the site crash on you?!?! :O
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Montgomery
Idk-- I thought it was understood that The Club was just a meat market.
You can barely hear yourself talk, most of the time-- much less anyone else.

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Posted by FrostAndBite
I probably shouldn't speak for Montgomery, but I think she was referencing the noise level in clubs with her last comment, not you directly krys.
That's how I read it anyhow cause I was about to plus one that part. I never managed to carry a convo on at a club successfully. Then again it's not really my thing I've only been a handful of times so maybe they're not all the same.

Thanks, F&B-- that's exactly what I meant. smile
And yeah, I've always steered clear of clubs for the most part, too-- unless there was a band I liked-- though we all hung out in plenty of bars in our early 20's.

Posted by kissmygrits
WEll, I don't go to bars to pick up dudes. I drink. Maybe that's why I prefer bars full of gay men. It's safer. I don't like the meat markets.

Yeah, I think venue is something to consider-- I've never dated someone I met in a bar/club.
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+1. Good people go to clubs too.
But to be fair, the theme of club hopping is sex, alcohol, lust, promiscuity, touching, etc. NOT marriage, relationship, love lol
So while I agree that you CAN meet a good man/woman in a club, I don't think it's realistic to be upset if all the people you left the club with didn't end up being the 1 you settled down with. Some women understand this, just instead prefer to enjoy their group of girlfriends & proceed to reject all men that approach them. It's a lot smarter for a woman to reject all guys in the club vs. giving in to them all =P
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by justagirl
I don't have kids but have A ton of nieces and nephews, why am I "supposed" to babysit just because I'm the aunt? Perhaps that isn't what some of you are saying, but it seems to be sort of what some are implying. It' my time and energy I would be investing with babysitting, why am I a bad person if I tell my bro or sis no? Just wondering the thought behind this...

we kind of resolved it below....
you don't have to, especially if your "sister" has a feeling about you. Obviously SOME women can't figure it out and that some sisters/ relatives just don't want to be around children.
You're supposed to WANT to, not be forced to. Isn't it just common sense? If it's not there's going to be some family friction over their children and honestly, that's just more headache and stress.
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But that's the rub, why do you view it as I don't want to be around them? I never said I didn't want to, I asked why would I be a bad aunt just because I didn't babysit? Paid or not it's not about $ $ I love my nieces/nephews but I'm not a bad aunt because I didn't give up my time to babysit. It isn't a requirment to be free babysitter because I'm the sister.
I know Cancer doesn't hold the place card as the only creative sign by any means, but there does seem to be a ton of creative energy in the whole moon influence, so, what's YOUR creative bent, creative poison, the thing that makes you itch with a need to scratch at a bit of canvas/paper/dough/metal/etc?
For myself: photography (especially macro shots), drawing, writing and jewelry design...for now....
Share it with me, because I love to get inspired by the creative passion others have and love to see what others get fired up about.
The one I have now smile
Posted by Deep78
Posted by krysrenee7
This is coming from someone who was in your exact shoes & who felt the sadness, the anger & the bitterness that is consuming you now. BUT I had a happy ending! What are you telling yourself behind closed doors that would convince you that you won't have/don't deserve the same happy ending?! YOU WILL BE OK HONEY! TRUST ME!
Ask God to take this load off your chest. Give it over to him. Have faith. Trust Him that he will hear your cries & your prayers! I owe you $ 1000 if you don't end up feeling better by in the morning! Prayer works! Prayer changes things!
In 3 months, 6 months or 5 years, you will look back on this moment with a smirk on your face saying, "What the hell was I thinking??! I can't believe I predicted that I'd be prisoner to that breakup! Ha! NEXT!!!!"

Your Awesome!!!! Your absolutely right. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I have found myself praying more to god. I am hopeful that my prayers are heard. Thanks again @krysrenee7
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I don't owe you $ 1,000 do I? o_O
I am totally loving this place, since I have found it Big Grin
If it's not in your heart to raise, babysit or be there for a child, then don't. You are doing no favor to the mother or the child when your heart is not in it when they are under your care.
Would you hire a babysitter who said, "Well, I don't really wanna watch your child, but I need the money?" I'd hope you wouldn't!
Why not? B/c while the babysitter might be a stand up citizen, there's just a huge difference in how children sub-consciously feel when they are being watched by someone who doesn't really wanna be there. Doesn't mean that you don't love the child. Some parents are guilty of feeling this way with their OWN children.
The best part about daycares, schools, etc. is that these people are watching our children b/c they WANT to & their heart is in it, despite knowing up front that the children might go bonkers all day. Some people's hearts/desire for it goes out of the window when children become unruly. There is nothing wrong with that & is human nature. Nothing to apologize for. But at least own that!
Why I'm gona go ahead and just elect you my personal fitness coach Rocky! Amazing thank you for breaking it down for me like that, really cool!
So you're right I will give you an idea of what I eat all the time-
Brekky is a handful of rolled oats with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, Greek yogurt a spoon of honey and raisins.
Morning tea is usually a small cappucino and a bannana.
Snack is about ten roasted almonds and some cashews as well.
Lunch is almost always a salad roll or tuna on wholemeal with grilled cheese.
Dinner is anything from two minute noodles to a lamb roast with beans and mash or I do eggs with tomato, cucumber, spinach that sort of thing.
I do however always have desert - usually a couple of pieces of chocolate or a scoop of decadent ice cream...
If I have an alternative in the fridge though I will have that - fruit or yogurt etc
I do a brisk 30minute walk uphill if not everyday then nearly every day... and then I have an elliptical trainer I picked up for free from a garage sale.
I've upped my drinking water too, I have never drunk soft drink so that's never been an issue to cut out, it's not even a consideration.
The change in diet is not so much the issue it's the portion sizes I've been having trouble with.
That's it. smile