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Posted by scorchedearth
i have mercury retrograde in aries in my chart. it makes communication more difficult. people have a hard time understanding me a lot of the time. i used to over explain myself to make sure i was understood when i was younger. lately though i think "fuck it" if they don't understand me.
we also seem to have an easier time when mercury goes retrograde than people who have a direct mercury in their charts.
Posted by BsmurrayPosted by Jizzusizjizzin
A mix of Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Sheesh. I am:
Aqua sun
Moon Virgo
Asc Taurusclick to expand
Posted by Inspired13
anonymous you're right to be angry. And truly, if she was trying to befriend you, what kind of a move is that? A while back my roommate used to prance around in her undies around my boyfriend. It really bothered me and I told her to knock it off. She didn't stop. My boyfriend wasn't phased by it, he found her a complete turn off. One day she had her boyfriend over and I undressed and walked around him in my undies. She went through the roof! I simply and calmly said...I guess I've made my point and am I to understand it that you won't be walking around half naked in front of my boyfriend anymore? She, with venom coursing through her veins, said yes.
I understand this was more on him than her...but I don't know if I could have resisted telling that girl what an icky thing that was to do. And as a practical matter, offering up the name of a good counselor to help her with her issues.
Posted by GemShimmies
So last night he told me he isn't used to being with someone and its strange but he does want to get used to it.
Posted by Itsagoodday
He's got tones of girlfriends around him, and barely talk to me when we are out. Doesn't even look)) But we sleep together almost every night. He cooks for me, we watching movies and having brunch on a next day together. He spend lot's of money on my clothes and restaurant bills, which is crazy because we are both just students (he is 5 years older tho. I am German and he is American). I was trying to buy food and clothes for him, but he always says he doesn't like it!!! Just like that!!! (He only got smth from me, when I am saying I don't need it and he could have it. I got him a new iPhone like that. LoL) He calls or text just to arrange the meeting and refuse to meet my friends. Says how he likes me in bed, but never as a person. He is my second boyfriend, and he knows that. But I do remember one day he told me not to sleep with too much guys just because if I will meet a nice guy later, these guy just won't date me!!!??? Is that a normal thing to say to say?! I've never been so confused in my life.
I do understand that it takes time for a guy to let you in his life, and I do can wait. But he's behavior makes me feel confused and nervous. I had my first love who's been cheated on me for several years, and everybody knew it, except me. I am just afraid, it happening to me again. I am really easy going and hate drama in every way, so he doesn't know his behavior hurts that much.
Thanks for reading.
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