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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
Any tips or tricks would be helpful here.
My scorp is the extremly sensitive type, he is also the quiet wallflower type when it comes to social situations. He sits back and observes and does not talk much.
I am the social butterfly at parties.
I have had a few dealings with my scorp in social situations. Each time I take him to a party or any type of social situation I get this vibe that he is not happy with my seeming lack of attention to him, because I am busy flying from person to person chatting and having a good time.
One time he even stopped playing pool because I was chatting with people in between shots rather than what he called "showing interest in the game". He got upeset and said he didn't want to play anymore, mid game. I am chalking this up to his scorpio jealous nature that his woman was not paying attention to him and he was just claiming "boring game" as the excuse so as not to seem like the jealous type. Anyway I have a BBQ to go to on saturday and he will be attending with me. What kind of things can I do to avoid his "hidden" jealousy without having to be attached at the hip? I love my Scorp, but I have to let my Aqua nature out especially at parties.