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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Eat shit & die, Guppy Boy!
Seems that this idiots thrive on it..
The problem is? these idiot fishes allow themselves to analyse and make statements ?
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
"What goes around usually gets dizzy and falls over."
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
"Monday is the root of all evil."
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
You need to bring the hell to their homes.
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
my aunt and uncle are both aries and been together since ...( i dunno wen... they were in their early 20z wen they got married).. now they r grandparents... so itz been over 30 yearz of marriage...and still seem happy together....
i personally think an aries/aries is a good match.. alot of them are attracted to each other.. my bro ( an aries) dated an aries gal for 21/2 years.. they broke up though.. dont know if it has anything to do with them being aries/aries coz i think she wanted to settle and get married and my bro wantz to make it big... u noh typical guyz... wanna becum a millionare..LOL
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Does venus in gem have anything to do with a need to yap? Maybe it's stress, I don't know. Everyone deals with things differently.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Well by now? everyone should know? I HATE FISHES... Whether they are PISCES... or FISHES??
I hate both these universal chameleons?..male or females?
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
We can all look for certain types of women/men, we all have our preferences. But, when it's all said and done, the one thing we all NEED, the most important character we all strive to secure - is that one person who believes in us. That woman or man who would have faith in you and your abilities, no matter what.
And I guess that is what ticked me off. No matter my flaws, or his, no matter what happens in our life, we believe in each other for who we are. For 23 years, I've never forsaken him and he takes first priority in everything in my life and it has nothing to do with him being a push-over, and being able to get away with stuff. I was just insulted because that is how I took it.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
What do you mean by that move? You think I'm playing? You don't know me at all, then.