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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
I have snooped in a guys phone and I told my sag that I did it and he askedme would i do it again. I wouldnt because it only reinforces that there is an underlying issue.
when you fully trust someone its a magical thing. Like a weights been lifted off your shoulder.
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Scrathces head
umm now again you have made me tink
Good one, Thumbs up! or no wait what was that thumbs down you say, booooo to yo to, hahaha....
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
M143 - deep down you know you lost a good thing with your Taurus man. You are too proud to admit it, and your pride is what's keeping you from happiness. Some Scorps would rather save their pride and suffer to themselves than to be vulnerable and happy.
Awww!!!! I don't have this huge ego. I just felt like I have to move on with my life.
I can't handle too much drama that this bull created.
I am happy with my own thing and NO commitment. My Bull still wanted me and the sex thing. He told me
though I am willing to give all of that.. let's see.
He is too good at this time. I also introduced him as friend to my family. We kept sex thing
as a secret. Lol. I will give him a playful ride. No regrets. No turning back.
He kept buying all my favorites food and prepared it. Also he prepare my food as I come home from
my work. I don't get it. though based on your comments posted I kept in mind... that is just a
Taurus thing.
Scorpio will walk away...and burned ex existence. We are not needy type women. We are tough and
strong. yes we cry and giving our hearts is not an easy task. Who can handle us?.. not even a Taurus
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
I tink Dxp is getting me to
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
Its sending me looney
I hilarriously laugh at this comments, why I have n idea
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Sep 27, 2013Comments: 96 · Posts: 1422 · Topics: 63
And again you manage to make me laugh not just laugh but historically
again this is yourway, what have you made me out to be, the laughing stock of dxp?