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Apr 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 302 · Topics: 61
I agree with everything especially this part eliza:
thatz soooo NOT true brahn... half da world is ready to break ur loved ones and friendz down.... if u wont praise them and show them love then who will???
That is one major reason why young girls are haveing sex and getting pregnant because they don't get praise from their loved one so they head to the streets to get praise from a man and end up sleeping with him.
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Feb 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 469 · Topics: 63
I can easily spot scorpio female, gemini male/female, and cancer male
"I always get Aquarians wrong. I always think the guys are either a) Capricorn b) Geminis. Don't know why."
sometimes i can be very serious (especially when i want to get my job done quickly), but most of the time i am very friendly and playful
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
Do you think that Bling has a rubber duck in his tub?
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
The B-Train!....Virgo, you're just another passenger.....u need to get inline to ride the B-Train!
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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Pisces represents their problems to others because it seeks passive challange. But what Pisces does not realise is that people hasn't evlolved to the point of passive challange. Challanges has to be conducted brutually, because people are bond with EGO's. That's the most difficult act for Pisces to conduct, because Pisces does not posses EGO. What it can rely on during debates? Ego drives you ahead to acheive both knowledge and experience. There is no such drive for Pisces. This is why Pisces lives in very difficult world. While Pisces expects honest criticism, it gets only trampled by people. After couple of times, Pisces closes to external world.
When years pass, Pisces tries to unlock this door many times, and fianlly comes to conclusion that ego is the key for resolve. This is where Pisces will get agressive and will gain all necessary power to conduct further actions.
Therefore, mindset is not wrong. Piscean mindset is almost perfect. Because it's sensitive, which means that it can process all variables of situation exceptionally well. But Pisces does not know how to lay it off on people. And people will not surrender without fight.
Piscean needs external opinions....Piscean will require no more opinion that are being handed to each other signs everyday. It's up to Pisces to swallow what needed and spit out what is not. You can't say that it is HANDED to Pisces because if Pisces is not taking it, then you just continue your normal life and forget about Pisces. When Pisces will decide to awaken, it will look outside and pick what needed. Tools. They always are here. Nothing needed to be handed to them.
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Apr 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 302 · Topics: 61
I like you haffo you arevery insightful