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Posted by LadyOfRebirthPosted by justagirlPosted by LadyOfRebirthPosted by LucciferiPosted by LadyOfRebirthPosted by LucciferiPosted by LadyOfRebirth
Who cares though
Maybe I do. Maybe.
If it upsets you then maybe you could, idk, ignore it?
I said maybe.
And I didn't say you did
I will admit, it bugs me and yes I have been staying out of those threads. Because I do jump in with my strong blunt opinions. Sometimes you want to grab them, shake them and say "wake the fuck up". yup staying out of those threads is best for me.
I don't really have this with relationship threads but with more general threads. It's hard for me to pull away sometimes when I believe something and someone doesn't agree with it (even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion). I just get passionate about the things I truly believe in.click to expand
Posted by scorchedearthPosted by beautifulsoul74Posted by scorchedearth
i don't dislike you BS. i just think you're entirely too impressed with yourself.
and the truth about you is that you're a predator. don't think people don't know what goes on behind the scenes here.
If that was the case, I'd be fully abandoned by now and nobody would talk to me at all. Like I said, personal stuff. So please spare me with the made up crap. You're going to have to come up with something better to use. What really sad is, you're sitting here trying to bully or whatever you're doing to someone whom you're never met or interacted with...on an Internet site. An Internet site. It ain't that crucial.
i didn't make shit up. i can pm you with examples if you'd like.
i don't know if the ones involved want their business on the board itself.click to expand
Posted by aftershine
@TLS: doesnt the taurus side of you crave the feels? The magnetism? So the more magnetic/passionate the love is......the faster you run?
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