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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'..branh you have not explained what makes americans more INTERESTING...'
ok let me tell ya wat makes america one of the GREATEST nation in the world... our land TRULY is a land of opportuinities... i have been out in Europe and i can honestly say that u dont get alot of opprtunites there than in the USA.. and infact the europeanz admit that too.. loadz of british and italianz think so too....for examp0le... take our education syste.m....
our education system is one of the BEST... i mean in europe kidz are stuck wid' 'O'levels and 'A'levels and itz crazy... ur expected to know wat u'll be wen u grow up wen ur ONLY 15... come on ... wen ur only 15????... thatz the USA... i might be studing artz all my life and finally decide i wanna b a Doctor... i will have to enroll in pre-med and there u go... no time wastin... no tellin me go get an 'A'level in chemistry and Biology... etc...
ahhhh... wat else... u have soooo many opportunities to becum a millionaire... i mean my bro juz started his business and jeeezzz.... he makin' loadz of $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .... it aint that easy in europe......i wud have to admit though that Germany is waaaaayyy different from da rest of europe... they r pretty good
Guyz i dont want u to think im a mean american but im juz sayin wat i have observed and heard from my europeanz friendz abroad....
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Apr 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 979 · Topics: 41
"We have tons of that in some of the worst third world shitholes." You are truly offensive. I have mind to report you to whomever runs this message board. You are completely out of line!
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'..Name me one society that is more equal than the USA?...'
Germany....lolzzz.... theres is as good as ourz Branh.. i've lived there.. these people r smart and equals....mastermindz... takin over whole EUROPE...
Thanx ppl for answering my post yea well Im glad there are some cancer leo you are very pretty! Im gonna take this post back
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'..Finally, the social/welfare and medical system in many European countries pisses on that of the US (Sweden and France to name just two that come to my mind). ...'
medical system in europe aint the best... yes it might be free but then u have to wait for MONTHS before u get an apponitment wid the doc.. or get ur surgery done... IN the US itz better....i can tell the difference...been there.. seen it wid my own eyes... u read all NONsense in the newspapers.. wen ur there... u see the REAL thing... pretty much like in USA.. i mean we have our share of BAD but theres loadz of GOOD here.. which definitely outweighs the BAD...we got Poor here but they CHOOSE to be that way... they r juz LAZY bummerz...
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'...What about art. Some of the most innovative art and design happens in the UK or France or Italy...'
i agree europeans make good artists.. i never said europe is good for nuthin... infact i said ' the USA is ONE of the GREATEST nation'... we got our share of imperfections too...