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Posted by DonJohnson
My favorite part
"If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can??t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. How is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat anyone? Sorry for the explicit picture, but this is what it is and it??s absolutely revolting and violating."
Posted by P-Angel
Another down side to the pairing .. is that a female Cancer doesn't really own her own feelings, and allows every little infraction of what other people say and/or do dictate to her how she is going to feel. And though, I understand this is her way and probably can't help it .. the Pisces is completely different (we detach from hurtful feelings, rather than suffer with them). We own every feeling we have and only allow ourselves to dictate how we are suppose to feel. That may seem like a contriction (own vs. detach) from feelings .. but, this isn't so. Because we put our hurtful feelings on a plane where it is seperated from us .. we still own that place in which these feelings reside, and often talk about objectively.
Posted by TigerCap
One more thing though.
Women always think that if they don't feel that way, then their male BFF won't feel that way either.
Men always do. Every single woman they meet and hang out with is 'fuckable' in some way. Even the chubby ones. The big difference is that they can choose not to act on it.
What I notice though is that the closer women get to a man as friends, the more they start treating him like a gay best friend. Doing things which are clearly sexual foreplay with any other man. Sitting on their lap, tight hugging, grinding, dancing a bit too close and giving soft kisses when they're drunk.
I agree with you TigerCap, also could you imagine if it were a man treating his woman friend like a lesbian? And doing all the things that you just send?
Even if he is your friend, do not do those things that you would normally only do with a boyfriend or a guy you want to seduce. Being kissed by a female best friend is funny, but having a male best friend do the same thing causes drama.
Posted by aquarius09
I strongly agree with this!!! I find that women tend to behave like their male friend is gay even though he's not, and then they are surprised to find out that their male friend likes them. However, I also think that males will like their female friends regardless. I used to have a lot of guy friends and, one by one, I lost them all as they started confessing their feelings for me. Mind you, I have never been physical with my guy friends. I don't even hug them let alone sit on their lap. I used to be a strong advocate of male/female friendships, but all my male friends proved me wrong. I think it's easier and possible for women to be friends with guys but not the other way around.click to expand
Posted by ElusiveSoul
Why are so many hung up on the idiology of youth and living forever? o.O
Most memorable words that I would cherish for as long as I live, came from my grandmother; "each wrinkle on my face represents a life experience and I ware them proudly!"
Posted by Ixion120
Chances are if you leave and I don't put up a fight, it wasn't a good match anyhow.
If and when I leave someone a calculation that goes something like this happens...better to leave now and not risk her getting more attached than to stay and continually try to work things out, fail at that and then leave months down the line..If I decide to fight to be with you...then its because you are capable of being a good life partner.
Its hard a hard pill to swallow especially for the Water signs I know but sometimes your feelings truly don't matter at all or matter very little in the decision making process.
Posted by cancerlady33
True. Or he has options and is undecided at the moment so he would keep her around while still juggling others.He wont let her stay but he also wont let her leave until he is decided or ready. If you feel this is the case, I would have a chat with him about how you feel and give him at least a month with no contact to allow him to see how his life looks without you. If he comes back, let him work for you and show you that you are a priority and not just an option.
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