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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 20
Part 1..Ok still new to this site so I have to figure it out..the first paragraph is how I am with my Taurus friend the second is the in case its too long skip...I have a Taurus friend, lets call her Vanessa,who ive known for three yrs now...we work together so I see her everyday..she helped me through some rough patches in my life and we became really close friends..along the way I fell in love with her...and I mean like nothing I have ever experienced in my life...I was going out with friends,family,college, work and yet she was always on my mind..we kissed once...nothing serious...problem was when I told her my feelings she was unfortunately already in a relationship...she always said she liked me...that of course broke my heart..but yet even though she knew I felt like this shes stayed friends with me...which I m happy I didn't scare her away because she completes me...of course im disappointed but she was and is my rock and it really hurts it cant be more...the only other problem we have had was that she lives an hour away so meeting after work is a bit difficult...I love her so do anything for her.. I do respect the fact shes in a relationship..i want her to be happy and if shes happy w this person I wouldn't want it any other way.... to the trouble..five months ago a virgo girl started working at our office..Vanessa helped her because she was in a bind etc..helped the girl get a car apartment everything...she nice like that with of the reasons I love her..she and this girl started hanging out and pretty much the girl still owes Vanessa money for the car etc...but in installment..well this girl out of no where starts acting strange around me and tells me shes going to pick me up for a party with Vanessa..i say where she says ill just pick u day..never does..and then when I see them at work virgo walks right up to me and says.."im sorry I never picked u up or called I did laundry all day" I said no problem its ok...Vanessa all happy walks over and starts mentioning what they did the previous night and how funny the virgo was etc..the virgo looked shocked that Vanessa told me..and im sure my face showed the anger i felt...Vanessa saw my face and looked confused..i told her later but she didn't seem to want to hear it..anyway from that day forward they hang out everyday..this girl even becomes close to Vanessas partner and they hang out often...go to parties etc..and Vanessa out of know wher
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 20
"Sorry cut me the rest" states how the virgo simply doesn't like me..and starts saying things to me no fun and am a dark cloud etc..she NEVER used these words bfore and I hear them from the virgos mouth often..this particular virgo I don't trust...and tbh I don't trust her with Vanessa also..she still hasn't paid her back..and has constant money problems as she spends on unnesscary things..Vanessa tries to organize the virgos way of handling money...I mean so far this girl lied spread rumors around the office about me and almost hurt my friendship with Vanessa...but Vanessa confuses me...cause she will ignore me all day at work to a hurtful degree and then at night txt or call me about simple things...and if I want to go for coffee or something she always goes...but idk..I love her but I m not sure where she stands as she acts odd at work..shes completely change her behavior at work...and never invites me to anything...we r suppose to meet up tomorrow..but I initiated any input? From a different perspective how would you interpret vanessas behavior? Im sorry this is so long..geeze I thought for sure I could be more brief..
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Scorpions who trust
They exist? o.o
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 20 virgo best friend, of course not the one in the text,having a critical eye noted something..thank god..just in case people take it personally I only referred to the girl as "virgo" because I didn't know what to call her...ill definatly use a name or something in the future as its not fair to just generalize signs..sorry again...