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Posted by GetMisted
She wants the title because deep down, she knows he's still seeing other people.
The title means he is hers and removes all doubt in her mind that he's with someone else too.
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Has he told you why he always assumes the worst though? I just think it's a bit illogical to be suspicious without any reason. My Virgo has never doubted me nor have I seen a suspicious Virgo before in my life.. Not saying it's impossible. It just sounds odd to me for a Virgo to even be bothered that much by you not picking up or having work to do.
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
And you really need to put your foot down and tell him to either trust you or beat it. What good is a relationship without any trust?
Posted by aquarius09
Did you love your Aries initially? I get that marriage can get boring, but you still married him because you liked him, right? I don't personally care what anyone in the world, except for my mom and my partner think of me, so I fail to understand how a woman can sleep with a man they aren't interested in at all let alone marry them. Yes, I also come from a culture that's big on marriage, but no way in hell does this culture promote being married for the wrong reasons. I do however see women marrying a man for money and getting a good image in the society. Screw that! That's pure opportunism and selfish. I live by the principle of do onto others as you would.... I would hate for a guy to solely marry me for my money or looks or the image it gets him for being either married or married to someone good.
Posted by Wynter
What's your moon?
Posted by Agentgem24
And I like his chart but I don't choose people based solely on their charts.
Posted by Agentgem24
I only chose him because he's a Gemini rising, has a libra moon(like me) Virgo venus and cancer mars (like me).click to expand
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