The SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't be rushed, especially when it's been so move across the country?!! He sounds so sure, speaks of words like "the one" it makes me sick, cuz I'm so scared of losing him forever, & I'm so scared of making a mistake.

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2 sharks swimming in opposite directions:
he was a shark who steadily swam down............some of us do that till you find us floating at the top gills up, and you get the net and flush us down the toilet and no one really knows what happened.tsk.tsk.tsk what a waste.
MM~ what's up with your cap. dude?
Some of the men think they're pimps! Or they're wannabes... player-pimps.

when the bad twin takes over...
leo men - gr8 personality and sense of dressin' up... o ya n nice colognes
pisces men - cute lil' thingz... willin to do anything for ya
virgo - very intellectual.... vast knowledge on every subject.... gr8 smile
Aries men - funny, adventurous and fun
Aqua men - gr8 sense of humor, honest and straightforward
saggie men - treat u like a princess, shower u wid compliments, hilarious

here's a good one
How many of you have big foreheads? Is this linked to your intelligence - smile

Aqua men : u can be urself wid them... they r sooo easy goin'
pisces men : soooooo lovin'
aries guyz - jeeeeez they crack me... love 'em...
leo men : slick talkers
Very wisely put Dy. I'm glad I've taken my time so I wouldn't get too hurt.
'...Aquas can be quite depressing... My opinion of them has changed dramatically due to what I see from aquas on here...'
LOL... ya im surprised how all da aquas on here are depressin'... i mean aquas are supposed to be the MOST happy and OPTIMISTIC people and yet im amazed to see the opposite
and ya i agree with u on '...Most likely bc you don't have a life...or rather, you don't engage in activities you enjoy. So you have nothing better to do than look at the bad side of everything bc you only see the bad in your own life. Some may love negativity...'
thatz so
ya please help da aquas on here to SMILE... we shud join forces and bring a smile on everyones face on DXP smile