The infamous disappearing act, how to respond?

Posted by notyourtype
Don't initiate contact because as much as we love attention, we dislike neediness 10x more. We're also flighty and don't like what's easily attainable. So be a challenge; live your life and do your own thing. And when/if we do contact you again, pretend like you didn't even notice we were gone. But you have to ACTUALLY be busy and fine without us because if you're simply putting up an act to get our attention, we'll sense it from a mile away and you'll find yourself right back where you started.
That said, I have never disappeared on someone I like. When I do pull the vanishing act it only means one thing: I'm not interested. And honestly, once I've decided that you're not the one, there's very little you can do to change that.

Now, THIS is true.
If he??s disappeared it means he??s not into you the way he think your into him. I say that because sometimes Libra??s can feel like someone really truly likes them a certain way and that??s not the I??ve tooted my own horn before and the guy just genuinely wanted to be my friend. I was so glad when he told me, because I only liked him as a friend too, however the things he did made me think he might??ve wanted more, and since I??m not good with rejecting people with direct words I did it with my actions, such as disappearing in hopes he??ll forget about me in that way.
But yes, bottom line, if we like you and I mean really like we are not going to disappear. I must add, that we have a nack for playing tit-for-tat though, because we believe fair is fair for example I really like this sagg guy but he??s disappeared on me so ive disappeared too. He doesn??t call I wont call, he doesn??t text I wont text, but I only started doing that once I realized we may not be looking for the same thing. So I keep him at a distance out of fear of being hurt or disappointed. Still I know he likes me, and I like him so I haven??t completely pushed him away, he??s sort of a challenge and a little hard to read, the only thing that??s crystal clear is that he likes me, so I??m a little intrigued by him I guess.