Posted by saqua
I've read that caps don't do lots of staring.
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Posted by geminicandIe
Well, I guess people do have personal choices. But what about when their choices hurt others? Let's say you o'd leaving children who still need their parent and elderly, frail parents who lose their own child too soon?
Posted by LilliLou
My bestie was talking about last week being 'coincidence week' all these things/ meetings that she had thought or dreamt about then kept happening- astro projection-type bollocks... And wouldn't you know it, my ex Leo got in touch too, with the "I just want to be friends, I know I stuffed up but I think you are amazing" claptrap
Posted by LilyTreePosted by justagirl
You do know women dress and do all the above to "impress" (not sure that's the correct word)other women, right? Has nothing to do with men at all. Most men won't notice what color your shoes are or nails, unless they are gay... they will notice if you look like you just rolled out of bed, if you have not washed your hair etc...
Why do you think fashion is marketed the way it is? Its all about trying to one up the other females....
Now those nasty ass artdeco claws, yea they can just go. I personally prefer pink and white French at a professional level.
This is true. With the exception of lingerie, I suppose. But what's the point of "one-upping" other females? Isn't it to seem more attractive to the men and to beat competition for the choice of a mate?
BLEAH! Humans are so varied in taste, that there's almost someone for everyone, isn't there?
I wonder if long nails is a sign of vitality? Did cavemen view long nails as sign of virility?
I think men subconsciously notice. They are not aware of the effort that went into the end result, but they like the end result. If a woman was to suddenly stop (fixing her hair, doing her make-up, dressing fashionably), I bet he'd notice something to expand
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
I think I'm beginning to see why Cancer Man - Sag Woman can be one of those surprise hidden pairings of the zodiac...
Posted by Rabbit
Why's come I'm not very good at icing people out?
Scorpio sun/Scorpio moon should be a master at it, right?
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