virgo sun sag moon! i concur with the UNDYING THIRST to travel.. currently living and working abroad and will be for another year.... it can be a little tricky though, this constant yearning for adventure, new places, new faces... can get lonely at times and oftentimes my sag moon clashes with my virgo sun.. the need for stability but the desire to get up and go and say carpe diem to everything. the clash gets me down sometimes and i wonder what the EFF am i doing? all the time...pressure from my mom to move back and settle down but i just CANNOT at the moment. it boggles my mind how some people can live their entire lives in the city they grew up in and never live elsewhere (like my sisters) but at the same time, they have the advantage of stability and growth in the roots. but i suppose we all grow differently.. some traditionally from the ground, some sideways, and even backwards..
in terms of relationships, i am eternally restless. i have not had a stable steady relationship. things always end up serious though but never lasting more than a year, always a tumultuous year at that. i cannot stay put... thankfully, i am an eternal optimist under the guise of a cynic and i do agree with the child-like behavior. i've always attributed that to me being the youngest in my family though.