It is kind of a strange mixture because of the inconjunction between the two signs. On a technical plane they have little to nothing in common with one another, but in my own theoretical musings I've found them to be quite compatible, albeit in an unorthodox way.
Virgo, mutable earth, at home in the 6th house of health and service is all about details, creating order from chaos, and improving humanity and the world around them on a case by case basis.
Aquarius, fixed air, at home in the 11th house of society, creative vision and philanthropy is all about the big picture, bringing chaos out of order, and improving humanity and revolutionizing the world around them through the power of the collective.
Both are logic signs, known for their intelligence and keen observational skills. Both, while emotional human beings are highly capable of putting aside their own feelings for the sake of rational thought. And while they have different means of obtaining their goals, they both essentially strive for the same end game ideologies. If Virgo is Vulcan, then Aquarius would be Romulan, traditionally the same people but having different approaches to life.
When they join forces we see the blending of Virgo's grounded but flexible perseverance and Aquarius' vision and determined (and also intuitive) accessibility. This combination can see the forest and the trees at the same time, able to move fluidly or stand obstinately in the face of adversity however the situation requires. Aquarius gives Virgo social likeability, tempers the nit pickiness, and gets their heads out of the details. Virgo gives Aquarius focus and stability.