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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
You are such a sweet lad Bling. Did anyone ever tell you that?
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
pushit... i find astrology VERY interesting...and i just cant believe how true and accurate at times it can be... i mean u can learn alot about a person just by readin' their chartz and u know wats funny??.. itz that 90% of it is true....
i find it really amazin.... and of great help....
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
Thank you.
Really? Why not. Under that hard exterior I can tell you are a softy-wofty.
*snaps out of niceness*
Did you know Haffo is stalking me? Or he said he would? I've never had a stalker before. He must really like Virgos.
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'...if it turned into a religion, i don't think i would subscribe to it.....'
lolzzz me too... itz fun and interestin' but itz limited... i mean alot of thingz in life shape a person'z personality... ur environment, ur up-bringing, ur religious beliefs... da people u hang out wid.. u know all these thingz shape ur life.. o ya and ur spouse ( itz amazing how much influence ur spouse can have on ya... if a wife is self-less she makes her man self-less.....i've seen that alot....)
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Dec 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 48
ok here goes.Im a leo and my so called friend is a sag.We were getting along good untill she reconnected with her cousin.Now mind you I have always been the one to call my friend.I always was the one who offered to take her to dinner in which everytime she always said yes.When she started her new job she asked for a pair of shoes and shirt to borrow and I gave it to her with no problem.Now she hardly ever calls me unless she wants me to go with her somewhere or if she calling to blab about her life.If it's benefiting her thats when she calls.Now out of our six year friendship she never mentioned to me that I was so called doing things to hurt her.Her cousin starts hanging out with us and all of a sudden all this ish about me being indirect with her and me treating her bad comes out.Now im saying to myself why you wait six years to tell me about myself.I said "real friends dont do that".Her reply was "I didn't say anything because I figured that the way you are".And I'm saying to myself bs pure bs.Why would you take a persons crap?I know that if someone is treating me bad I won't hesitate to bite my tongue.I put everything on my life when I say I trusted this girl and she shocked when she tried to play victim as we were arguing.Now I don't know if this is a sag trait is it?Do you guys hold things in and then explode when you can't take it anymore!!!I have a high self-esteem and think highly of myself very proud and my friend knows this.So how the hell could she think I'm always tryin to hurt her when I always do things for her.Mind you I never got an "let me take you to dinner friend".Never get that!Never get a phone call from her and when I do The calls are either 2 weeks or a month apart now anit that some sH*t!So now my friend has a new boyfriend.Before her boyfriend she always kept a distance between me and her and now that she got a man I never see her!And I feel so bad because I love her and I really thought she was my friend!Then on top of that her and her cousin would make plans and don't even invite me and then when I come around talk about how much fun they had.Just recently my so called friend told me that she going on a trip with her cousin and im like ok if I anit invited what are telling me for just to throw sh@T in my face.I sent my friend a text message friday to see how she was and she replied "im food shopping my sis asked about you".and basically didn't respond anymore.Im like what is her problem. please help
Message posted by: eliza0012 on 6/4/2006 3:51:20 PM ip:
benjsh, i wud recommend a saggie girl to ya... i have seen loadz of libra/saggie relationshipz work... an Aqua might work for u too...
I do agree with Saggie/Libra relationships, there is a lot of fun to be had. The only danger in Saggie male/ Libra female relationships potentially, is that because the saggie needs to go off hunting/shooting and fishing, this tends to leave the libra feeling a tad neglected. I do generally like Aqua's tho I don't take much of their nonsense and I think this is why we get on, very alpha.... many a good debate to be had with an Aqua.
I agree very much with your theory ProudSag.........
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
Virgos have more appeal than the initial conservative/boring front
More detail if you would please.
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Dec 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 48
calling all my fellow kittens how well do we get along with sag females.I have a friend who is as flaky as a piece fo dry skin and Im about tired of her!!