I was in a long distance relationship with a man that grew up in my hometown for over a year. I lived in PA and he lived in FL. He would fly up monthly or I would fly down there to see him, I've never been more in love and as he stated neither has he. It got to the point where we had to be together. Either I would have to move down there, which I had hesitations of uprooting my life to live there, or he would move here. By chance of God, he managed to land a great position right in my hometown. I thought things were really coming to fruition. I would be with the love of my life and we could start our lives together. When he moved up here things were great, but things started to slowly descend down hill. I noticed he wasn't performing sexually, and thought things were a bit off. One day I came home after four months of living together, and he admitted to me he got in trouble with the law. He was caught with prescription pain pills and was set up to work with a DEA agent. At that moment we broke up and I said it's either me or the drugs. We slept in different rooms, however I was financially dependent on him at the time. He was functional and could uphold a job surprisingly. So basically what ended up happening, was his family and I had an intervention for him to go to rehab. He agreed and wanted to be done with everything. He went to rehab and is now flourishing. He's already moved out of the program and into the halfway house and now is in the 3/4 house haha. He's doing wonderful and has found a sense of God, which he has never had in his life. He always felt life was meaningless. Just random events clashing together. He's so different already. My problem is he will never move back up here, and if we were to ever work I'd have to move down there. Which I fear uprooting my life to have him relapse and go back to drugs. I want to have hope that things can be the same as they were, and I know he hopes to makes amends and rebuild his life with me in it. I'm stuck in this limbo of knowing if I should hold on or forget. I am suffering in this feeling. Any advice from anyone that knows about this stuff is much appreciated.