Cold War Drug Test Subjects

Posted by Qbone
You sure about Operation Paperclip..?
It was designed to steal German scientists.. perhaps what you wanted tell us was Project MKUltra .
Why didn??t you mentioned all nuclear and radiation tests on American citizens? (no wonder you all are crazy son of a bitches).

Yeah because we hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings mass murdering 100s of 1000s of innocent people ^.^?

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Sounds about right. My mother refuses to change the battery in her smoke detector.
So whenever I call I hear the highly annoying sharp piercing beeping noise in the background.
And it drives me nuts!!!!

Ring~~~~ Ring~~~~~
Me Crab: Hello Mummy Dearest.
Mom Scorp: Hi kiddo. What's up?
Me Crab: What's that noise?
Mom Scorp: What noise?
Me Crab: Your smoke detector needs it's battery changed!!!
Mom Scorp: Oh well your Aunt Mary (Sharing apartment with her sister; Aunt Crab) has been trying to get the Manager to come change the battery.
Me Crab: GRRRRRR It's really really annoying.
Mom Scorp: Hmp It doesn't bother me none. ::Snicker::
Me Crab: That would drive me insane.
Mom Scorp: ::Snicker:: ::Snicker::
Posted by ScorpioFish
Posted by aquavita cancer cousin had so many boyfriends... and she dished all of them out. her true love was anothe rcancer man 10 years younger than her. and a man who was older but they quarelled bitterly till he left her. he was ... i think... not sure.. have to ask. she wa samrried as well once to a younger boy and divorce him when she found out he was epileptic. that s when she was 25 or so. she is 49 without children currently and single. used to be a famous jouranlist. she is an acloholic self destructive.

So, it is fair to say that she is officially a card-carrying member of the Awful Crab Club?
I feel bad.
Makes me wonder if she had issues being a wife to a real man, so she had to marry some guy who was 10 years younger to sort of assert herself around him?
That's why I could never date an older woman. It's really hard to assert yourself as a man when the woman is older.
click to expand

Probably why older men would be better for me.
Things are in natural order.
Men are more comfortable with younger women, women more comfortable with older men.
I tend to be more combative with men younger and around the same age.
Welcome back! smile
50 shades of cray cray - Clueless cancer
Twilight saga - Damnata
The Mouseman prophecies - P - Angel
How I won the itchy ball prize - infant terrible

Gemini girl with a Virgo rising. I dated a Virgo when I was younger. What a disaster...... However, I have been dating a Virgo for a little over a year and we are crazy about each other. Men typically grow on me but not this one. We had an instant attraction.
Hi Everyone,
I guess I am a tad bit new. Medium
Rising Virgo
Sun Gemini
Moon Aquarius
Mercury Taurus
Venus Aries
Mars Aries
Ok so like I said before about the Taurus he had a temper and attitude when I had conversations with males. Too many whores surround him. Sick of it. Were at the not friends on fb kind of situation. Yeah I deleted him. Yet he became friends with a lot of my friends. Hmm??
Is it only me or something is going on in the air, cause yesterday and today especially, I am completely out of myself. For no reason att all. I am nervouse, tense, I am kinda suspicous, skeptical ... I don't like the taste of it non bit. Makes me really unconfortable :/
If it has to do with stars,palcements etc., man when will it stop?
oh...and I am not in pms
A gem will leave and return as many times as you let him. If he is not willing to are not the one for him. That is the case for men and women alike.
What you are doing is good. You have to mean what you say. Otherwise a Gem will loose respect for you.
Can't feel or can't show feels?