Cold War Drug Test Subjects

Yeah everyone is ignorant that is American gotcha. What you said wasn't something I didn't already know and it doesn't change anything. Your just an ignorant pious little instigator.
You think because America practices free trade with a Nation that they are responsible for what that Nation does with it ^.^
You make it sound like we supplied Germany during WWII? We only traded with Germany up until WWII.

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Posted by xMoonMan
To answer the OP question
Definately Both - they are both erogenous zones and both visually stimulating
But there are so many tantalizing places & spaces to explore on a womans body.....
That curve between a womans upper thigh and hip bone when she's leaning down and bent forward on her knees when taking her from behind and I can cup my hands there and slide them up and down a little as I guide her motion.....and the arch of her lower back.
The side of her neck between her ear and collar bone, I like to kiss, suck or lick that area. I also find that area visually stimulating.
Also, that triangular zone between her bellybutton and both inner thigh regions extending across the lower part of her vagina and then up along the center of her stomach and between her breasts.
I think I've gone further than necessary so I'll leave it there....

Awww Tongue
mine is always is on point and it seems the only time I've trusted it was when it was alerting me about negative things. sigh.
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First : Gemini sun, Cancer moon ( 4 years )
Second : Sagitarius sun, Aries moon ( 3 years )
Having an intense feeling to this Cancer sun, Sagitarus moon now, but not sure yet about it.
I was seeing someone with the all those exact placements you mentioned and sadly I never figured him out except for the ego, good convos, he said he was "deep down, emotional" and I never saw it. loves his mom, passed away due to cancer, used to go on an on about how beautiful she was and that he looks like her. had many friends, mostly women. loooooved to laughed, no subject was ever above him.
Funny, my gemini cousin got those exact silly colorful haired dolls on that pic above. She put em everywhere in her room and around. Lol
Sag moon and Taurus mars. slow and I won't change my pace for anything, I can't even remember the last time I panicked. I relate to what Redbull said and virgo rising doesn't do much help coz i'm kind of perfectionist. but man, when I'm done with something, it can't be will be blown away.
Haha Mr Balance! Charm the pants off of us every time! Only sign with a higher hit rate with me is Leo!
I think were just expressing out opinions on boobs and butts not women
Posted by arietteheart2
Worst year of my life thus far. Probably couldn't get any worse.

I fear you just tempted the universe to show you how it could get worse! Get some positivity flowing through you Ram!