Cold War Drug Test Subjects

Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Qbone
Torturing/murdering of weaker genders by any means is the act of psychopaths/sadists, now tell me how many female being murdered, raped and tortured in the US each day? Where I am coming from this is not happening everyday.. every weeks or even months(because of the same death penalties).
And to answer to your brain farts again.. after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.

LOL So you can't answer then? Or won't? LOL
Hey, extra bonus trivia points here: What allegedly modern religion not only condones, but in many areas supports female genital mutilation?
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Again ignorant cowmuncher..
Female??s genital mutilation is cultural (practicing in Africa)it has nothing to do with the religion and it not practicing in Iran (assuming retards like you at least has access to the basic google map to find the differences between the Iran and the Africa).

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Im not too worried about Valentines I think it's a BS holiday. People should be showing appreciation everyday not just ON Valentines. Oh let me do it up big only on Feb 14th. Um no you should be doing that way more often.
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Posted by seraph
Even if the OP is tongue-in-cheek why even bother with such a colossally dumb comparison in the first place? lost again? Go start an OB/GYN thread where you belong THE POWDER ROOM

Ahhhh Politics. This crap constantly happens in Ukraine/Russia. It's kinda funny seeing all these old guys in suits just going at it.
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This chick is puzzling me. @_@ The first few times I saw her, I kept looking at her coz she's pretty. She glances at me too whenever I do that... until she smiled at me then got my name. I also got her name. She's really puzzling coz I can't determine if she's attracted to me or not. Why? Coz every time we see each other, she'd hold my arms in a very tender, sensual manner. @_@ Then she asked me if we could have a study date together. I said, "Fine" but when Valentine's day arrived, she said, "I can't go. I feel tired." @_@ To make matters more complicated, she rarely texts me. Then, earlier this afternoon, we saw each other again. She told me that I'm her crush and that we are compatible. @_@ She asked me to sign up for a marathon. I said, "I will go." She picked the shirt for me, which she said was body-fit coz she wants to see my muscles, etc. @_@ I got a glance over her boobs/cleavage and when she saw me looking at her boobs, she SMILED. WHAT???

That's one aggressive fishy. That poor widdle crabbie was just trying to defend his food. Does this make pisces aggressive poachers? Man, get your own vittles! Seriously, this vid makes Cancer women seem harmless and we're anything but. Cute video tho. Thanks for sharing.

Hahaha, I interpreted that as the fish trying to get a kiss goodnight from the Crab, hahaha. I'm kidding, of course. Note that after the third attempt to reach the crab, the fish just gives up and swims off. I wonder if this is a case of symbolism?

Hope things went well last night. I'm not sure how to counsel you to play this. If she's flirting up other men and trying to play one off the other, she's just not worth the effort. Way too immature. This may be a case of no matter how much energy you put into it, it just won't work. If that's the case your best bet is to try to avoid places where you will meet in public, if that's possible. Sometimes we end up falling for people who just aren't good for us. And it sucks when that happens.

Thank you for the well wishes and hope. She basically did flirt with 3 different boy toy types last night in front of me, and it was sort of stupid and childish to witness. Of course, all the while, she kept glancing at me while sitting about 3 feet away at MY TABLE where I was simply talking to my friends. I am starting to agree that my efforts to be an adult in all of this really have no impact on her, as she is simply too immature to handle a relationship with a good guy. I am no nice guy, and I am no asshole either. I know myself well enough to tell her that I am willing to be with her, but I don't tolerate stupid crap very well at all. As much as I am inclined to talk to her, I am following the much appreciated advice around here to simply act like she doesn't exist. Hell, I barely even looked at her last night. Are you sure this is effective?
Okay ScorpFish, if there's one racket a pisces man can play that drives us Cancer ladies up a fruit cake tree, it's blowing hot and cold. Now maybe it's not game playing on your part. Maybe you just need that emo space but lemme tell you, it really messes with our insecure heads. So if you have to keep dealing with Miss Young and Stupid, might as well blow hot & cold. She could use a little piscean play-back just to show her how it's done. But you're better off cutting bait, you know. Cuz no matter how you play this, she
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Posted by GetMisted
I agree. I've witnessed her side of the gun debate.

Posted by GetMisted
In this case though, I believe that her choice of thread title speaks for itself as to what her agenda is.
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Okay ScorpFish, if there's one racket a pisces man can play that drives us Cancer ladies up a fruit cake tree, it's blowing hot and cold. Now maybe it's not game playing on your part. Maybe you just need that emo space but lemme tell you, it really messes with our insecure heads. So if you have to keep dealing with Miss Young and Stupid, might as well blow hot & cold. She could use a little piscean play-back just to show her how it's done. But you're better off cutting bait, you know. Cuz no matter how you play this, she'll still be young and stupid.

I am really sensing how true your words are in all of this. Last night, I just chilled out, talked to my friends, flirted with a few girls on the team (who flirted back), and texted a few girls back on my phone (all of which she saw). What makes me nuts is why she sat down at my table again. Why can't she just be like other girls who don't want a guy and just avoid him altogether? Why the incessant need to either observe or sit close to me, yet not say anything? And then flirt with 3 idiotic younger guys right in front of me? Oy, what a mess. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the advice of you, LunarMaiden, Aquavita and MoonArtist in all of this. All of your words are something off of a golden tablet as far as I am concerned, and it will certainly never be forgotten. I really do owe you all big time for this, because I would have probably blown it by now without your help.