Cold War Drug Test Subjects

Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Qbone I love how you make your cute little assumptions like how we don't know what countries comprise the middle east or our own countries history.
Your just an attention seeker.

Ummm .... Uhhh assuming..?

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Posted by Montgomery
Like now...weird.

Very enlightening words from the chosen one. smile
Owls are alert and wise (by children's tales anyway).
My Taurus friend is emotionally closed off. He even admitted it the last time we saw eachother, which my suggestion was writing a letter to get it all out. When I asked him about the letter he said he started on it, then asked if I started on mine, and in a all got scrapped.
He thinks I'm emotionally closed off as well...saying he has to pull every single thing out of me, but I don't think I'm worse than he is. He says it's hard for him to express what he feels. Thing is, as earth signs, we have to really take into account who we are expressing our feelings to. That's another thing. He's expressed things to me, and I didn't believe him or didn't trust or feel the depth of what he'd say. I've expressed things to him, and he didn't believe me either, which can be part of the problem. You may feel, but maybe you withhold because you don't feel the other person will be as receptive as you'd like. It all make you shut down. I think it takes the right person to trust, that's all. If you find it hard, maybe it's not you or them, but the's just not comfortable for you to express.




I have two air placements in my chart
Can I say hi to?!
Awww, a coon. Cute. Friendly but viscious!
Lol @ the monkey for Tate!
Posted by geminicandIe
I will wait for tomorrow or tonight and when the clock strikes 11:11, I will be like here hereeeeeeee!
Lol, sorry to be such a skeptic. I didn't mean to ruin this thread:/

I don't think you ruined the thread... it's good to be skeptical.

Hayley Williams
Leo moon, Sag Venus, Aries Mars