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Signed Up: Feb 23, 2014 Comments: 0 · Posts: 7 · Topics: 3
Posted by djbuck1 Do not underestimate that Aries moon. Yes, he is a sun sign Pisces, but that moon can be volatile. A number of people have been unpleasantly surprised when I have abruptly turned into a Fire Fish.
Fire fish, haha. I'll definitely be keeping a lookout then!
Signed Up: Feb 15, 2014 Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
Women like the Alpha Male who will slam the gable down every now n then. It ain't our fault women like us bein tough, rough n mean. This why the nice guys end up bein last for lunch an dinner.
Posted by geminicandIe Are certain races and ethnic groups bound to mistreat women more and how so? Where is the statistical proof?
Some cultures are more prone towards mistreating women, yes. A society that doesn't value a woman's voice is more gay than actual homosexuality. Pic proof =)