How Easy is DXP?

1) How did you first discover dxp? - By typing in 'astrology board/forum' into google
2) What was the level of difficulty in navigating the site from a scale of 1 to 3-- with 1 being easy, 2 being eh not so bad, 3 difficult as fuck. - 1, though I admit the layout confused me at first since forums and websites are usually formatted differently (or at least a bit more complex)
3) What was your first impression of dxp? - As stated above, I didn't like the layout. Thought it was too simplistic and old style . I was ignorant to the mess that this place and some of it's members were and was pleased with how active and informal the members seemed to be.

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Nitro was lucky enough to be back to its regular time but Raw has gained viewers the last few weeks and beats Nitro this week by almost a half million viewers.
Liveeee in Kansas City
Out come Bret Hart! He talks about Savage being a big chicken. Duckin Bret since forever. Him and savage are going to have their first match ever, allegedly. Bret is more entertaining in heel role these days.
Quick worthless Disco Inferno match.
Out comes Savage. He wants a match with Hogan tonight, Apparently. He wants his world title back.
Kidman v. Juventud Guerrera. Aight match.
Eric Bischoff comes out on a motorcycle. He says he wants to know what Vince McMahon is thinking sending his wanna bes around. He says he will not apologize to sean waltman. I guess we'll see on Raw DX showin up at CNN towers. So Bischoff says he is in Vinces backyard this sunday in Massachusetts. He invites Vince to a match at Slamboree! lolz. He says he knows Vince is not man enough to step into the ring with him so dont get ur hopes up fans.
Alex Wright dances with the Nitro girls again and gets taken out by security again.
Some meh matches im gonna fast forward.
Nash and Konnan come out through the crowd. Nash says he knows Hogan is flying in tonight. He wants Hogan to admit Nash is better than him in every way tonight.
Mannnn then more worthless matches.
Out comes Dusty Rhodes. He says Nash will put Hogan in his place before the night is over. He then goes on about Hall.
Goldberg beats some Nobody. Lieterally never heard of the guy before.
Raven has filed a grievance against DDP for the assault last week. Raven says there is a unsafe working environment here. lolz. Security and the flock comes out. Raven will fight DDP in a cage match at DDP in some kind of weird match. The flock atacks Van Hammer and Saturn comes out to help.
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DDP vs Lenny Lane. Its been alllllll worthless fucking matches.
Hogan and Bischoff come out. He puts down the wolfpac. He calls out Nash and out he comes. He comes alone even tho Adams and Disciple and virgil are with Hogan and Bischoff. Nash tells Hogan to take his wifes sunglasses off. hahahaha. Nash be out witting him on the mic. Out comes Giant in an NWO black and white shirt. Random much? Rest of the wolfpac finally come out.
Posted by starlover
none of the guys i was in relationship with had good mothering and they were all inept and clueless in their treatment of women...all SCORP MOONS, except one Aqua moon and he wasnt much better

My ex had a scorpio moon and was emotional incensed by his mother. I was at her house like every other day. I'm a mommys girl, have some mom issues a bit too, so I sort of understood. But it was like a whole different level in a way?
But that is the truest thing. Any relation with parent is very telling. Than you decide who you want to be though.
Jericho time! He says hes the greatest cruiserweight champion of all time and talks about all the things he has acquired. Theres nobody else for him to face. He says hes gnna retire the belt! JJ Dillon comes out. He is gnna have all the top cruiserweights in the world battle in a battle royal and the very same night at slamboree the winner will face Jericho. Jericho likes the odds. He then says he wants to dedicate the rest of his career to dean Malenko! Show the pic and someone has drawn all over it! and Jericho acts shocked lmao
Dean Malenkos brother is out. Jericho later attacks him with Rey Mysterios knee and the dean pic.
Booker vs Benoit. Good match as usual between these two. Since benoit won he gets a shot at Fit at the PPV.
Randy Savage v. Hollywood Hogan for WCW Title. Ends in the usual Nitro Chaos. Out comes Piper who says Savge is the winner via DQ. I guess Piper is gnna be the ref in the Savage Bret match. Piper talks on and on and on.
Pretty bad show. Cept Jericho of course.
He's an ASSSHOLE. Plain and simple. A fake one at it. I agree Jynja... it might sound petty but I think he deserve a public humiliation. I'm usually never for an eye for an eye revenge... but this poor excuse for a lion needs his ego taken down a notch.
If you are confident enough you should do it... and the best way is to stick to facts and don't let him distract you from the truth and you can embarrass him enough. Tongue
Posted by Thanksmeg
Posted by nov13thscorp
WTF? I swore I read somewhere that moon in taurus is one of the best moon placements to have

I heard/read Moon in Cancer was one of the best.
click to expand

They are both the best placements Cancer being the best because of it being the domicile with Taurus second being the exalted placement.
lol@ the imbecile.
The Aries men I've known have been the most wimpy... I always make them cry LOL. Maybe because I'm such a masculine Aries woman Tongue.
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duchessedenemours, I know exactly what you mean! sometimes it can be so frustrating though!