Getting over someone

Posted by Geminlove
it started with him chasing me for the first year, he gave me his 100% but me being clueless+aloof didnt notice it and my aqua moon+gemini sun+aqua rising just make it worse Crying later on i realized i have feelings for him and basically we've been going back and forth for 3+ years and he still hasnt confessed, partially because i pushed him away....Lets be real here, you taureans have NO concept of time, you're all so effin timeless, i whole-heartedly admire it and it also makes me want to pull my hair out (no offense intended smile ) :/ I dont get how you can like someone for YEARS and prove with your actions how much you care for them but you get all shy when it comes saying what resides in your heart, i have venus in aries so that concept to me, might as well be written in chinese...kay, im done with my rant ^_^