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Dec 06, 2012Comments: 126 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 97
Do you guys think he needs he good friend right now or is he a hopeless cause because he can't break his sights from darkness?
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
hehe- no... but I am going to now!!! where is it?!
thats my DM 'virgo' dance gif ???
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 372 · Posts: 6468 · Topics: 165
Miscellaneous forum. Elle's bells/TwirlingStrawberry's thread.
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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
People need to take responsibility for their own shit and when their relationship is fucked up. You MADE the choice to come on here and ask for advice. NOBODY put a gun to your head and forced you.
People are naturally going to give you the advice. Take responsibility for the fact that you took the advice and you followed it which led you to the situations when you could have very well decided NOT to take the advice and NOT to go looking for help from other people then blaming them for your mistakes.
Damn grow up people. I'm tired of people not having the simple cognitive ability of looking in wards... "Hmmm oh shit I took the advice and I was the one that did all those things it's my fault... not taking advice from that person again"
Instead people are like "OMG, that stupid fucking bitch it's all her fault that my life sucks and that he doesn't love me and that I don't love myself, it can't be my fault because I'm perfect and I could NEVER do anything wrong."
Grow up fucktards. You people are really pissing me off.
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Feb 15, 2014Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
I'm listening to a lot of 90s hip hop- (Outkasts Aquemini, ATLiens are in constant rotation) Listening to the blues by Blind Willie Mctell, Lightning Hopkins and Son House.
Got introduced to this awesome band called "Have a Nice Life." Can't stop listening to their debut album called Deathconsiousness, which is a weird mashup of Bloody Valentine, Nine Inch Nails, Joy Division, and Godspeed Yo Black Emperor style s of music. Check it out its some good stuff.