Getting over someone

Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Story of our lives...too little too late Crying

So true. We give a part of our souls everytime. I don't think there is another sign that can do this as much as we do.
Partly our fault as well. But how am I to open my love to you fully and whole if I am pushed back.
I am stuck there for the past year, and it ain't healthy. I would be fine, something happens and I sink away into depression and pain. And yet, out of all the woman in the world, despite what she has said and done, I would have no other as my one and only.
We see perfection in our love even though we could actually be bs-ing ourselves. If I choose you, I choose you with my everything. Done.
I am 29 this year and also only have had 2 relationships. A lot of heartaches in unrequited love, yes, but this is me. My heart my love my life freely given to you, even if it kills me ;(
It hurts so much, but I love more than the pain till I disconnect. After this point I die and disappear from you forever. Takes time though.
Hate it Sad ;(