I need you help taurus!!!!!!!

Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by LadiiScorpio

You sound grounded/stable. I'd be interested to see the rest of your chart. I think you're probably right that he's jaded from past relationships and maybe wants to preserve what you have, rather than have it end like the others. We take things reaaallly slow. Key is just reassuring him, and keeping an ear out for those rare times that he expresses things he disliked about his exes, fears about future relationships, etc. If he's damaged, you really have to address that stuff, help build his confidence, and convince him that you're safe and not like his exes. I would try to spend alot of time with him, in his actual presence too. You're very pretty and we aren't all about that, but it certainly never hurts with Taurus...lol.
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You know...with how accomplished and handsome he is, he seems like he lacks a lot confidence. Although, people around me always think they need to prove something to me. He doesn't do that and I love that! I like how real he is with me, saying things, or doing things that others might judge.
I always try to reassure him. Like I said in an earlier post, when he was talking about us being physical would negatively effect out friendship, I told him I didn't agree 100% . I told him I that I would agree he would need to get to know me without the physical stuff because obviously he doesn't know the type of person I am by now with saying that. I also added that I think there would only be drama and headaches when dealing with immature people.
Please help me with my chart!!!!!! I would love that!!!!!!!!! _??_ I'm not sure what you need, but here is all of what I got. Tell me if this is wrong.
Rising Sign -10 Degrees Capricorn
Sun - 15 degrees Scorpio
Moon -13 degrees aquarius
Mercury - 26 degrees Scorpio
Venus - 10 degrees Scorpio
Mars - 18 degrees aquarius
Jupiter - 12 degrees Pisces
Saturn - 09 Degrees Sagittarius.
Uranus - 20 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune - 03 Degrees Capricorn.
N. Node -20 Degrees Aries.
I have no idea what any of that means!! Lol