Getting over someone

Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Ok, not sure what happened...
I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could with me. After many years of trying to boost him up it got tiring and it wasn't being reciprocated. I felt like he wasn't there for me emotionally and mentally. It's like they have their own baggage and they have no room for yours, even though I hardly had any! But sheesh, once in a while can I lean on YOU? He was a Cancer though.

Exactly. Every time I cut out, she comes back, and as soon as we get close she spins a story. One of her famous stories is "I don't have time to handle a guy's issues". And guess what... I have none...

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Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by MoonArtist
Oh, look online. All they do for blood typing is prick your finger with a diebetic lancet type thing and put a drop of blood on each card, follow directions and then read your results. We did this in 6th grade for science class.

thank you!
I didn't know I could do it myself. I will have to check this out.
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No problem and you're welcome. Yep, pretty cool and very handy Big Grin
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I find her amusing.
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Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Rabbit
Do Cancer makes struggle with self esteem like Scorpios do?

Yes they do. Especially when younger.
That sense of humor is often used as a shield to deflect things that hit their high sense of self-doubt.
Not so much if they can come to terms with themselves and accept their weaknesses and build on/compensate for them.
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What was the age that you came to terms with yourself and accepted your weaknesses etc...?
Posted by LetltB
...get a bad rap.
Agree or Disagree?

Obviously you all know I agree. brainer.
I agree to it because this country is falling apart due to a lack of them or when they do come out, it's usually too late and swept under the carpet.

They do get a bad rap.
Technically, they are supposed to be immune, but I guess it just depends exactly who you're blowing the whistle on.
And yeah, you need the money for a good defense, if you're going to take that risk. :/
If you had to choose what sign would you kill, fuck, marry?
Posted by xtina
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Rabbit
Do Cancer makes struggle with self esteem like Scorpios do?

Yes they do. Especially when younger.
That sense of humor is often used as a shield to deflect things that hit their high sense of self-doubt.
Not so much if they can come to terms with themselves and accept their weaknesses and build on/compensate for them.

What was the age that you came to terms with yourself and accepted your weaknesses etc...?
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I get morning wood all the time. Actually, I'm hard all the time. Best part is I don't even have a dick.Laughing Anyway, time to either find out the biological reasons for this horn in the morn(especially for peenless me), or go to sleep and wait till tomorrow to find out if I can be bothered......... by the way, when I opened a different window, instead of the url saying DXPNet, it says Tap Booty. How interesting considering what I'm discussing and my favorite naughty bit........