Getting over someone

I have to agree with TLS smile
I am a Taurus with a rising Scorpio ( by the way I've been told that's a double wham!!)....anyhow...
Expressing the feelings without being clingy or demanding is the best advice. It takes a lot of strength because the possibility of getting rejected is high. However, showing that you possess that emotional maturity, it's a testimony of your personality.

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dog addiction?
Posted by DonJohnson
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Awww you are out of arguments so you go back to those insults? L O L

What an original.

Did you ever get your mommy issues resolved? She was a hooker right?

those are not insults. those are facts, unfortunately. that's the funniest part. LOL

but your attempt at that mom joke is just lame. Sad
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Lol yeah sure it's lame!
Have a grand day smile

Nearly every time you make a post, it contradicts another one .... liars loose all credibility.

I see you struggle with getting people to take you seriously .... good luck with not caring that you lack integrity.

I know! But they do! I'm not sure of the inner workings of the last few's charts but I keep running into the Pisces men who are like "HEY! I WANT come hold me and love me..." it's seems as though with this gentleman I have to say "HEY! come here and let me love you..." Which I guess is the natural order? Thank you for the well wishes lol. I'm oh so gentle. Setting phasers to patience. I'd like to see where this could go.
OH but wait! So we do hang out often and he always responds...but should I also initiate space. Should I be spontaneous and hit him up whenever? Or every other week? Three day rules to call??? I don't want to burn him out or seem too eager, at the same time I like to be honest and in the moment, if I'm thinking about you/ want to see you, I want you to know. I don't like to play games or have them played on me. How do you Pisces men like to being pursued, frequency wise?

Of course you did ... and I'm Jesus Christ
Posted by aquavita
Posted by Damnata
dog addiction?

lol. yes.
click to expand

Posted by VirgoVoodoo
I come to you on bended knee admitting I don't know what to do.

Of course, you don't know what to do ... you're a Virgo.

You carry on about how wanted you are, and have men fawning over you ..... then the other side of your mouth talks and conveys to us that you can't actually GET the man you want.
So, the only thing you need to do is .... get the fuck over yourself

I don't even know what the hell you are saying.
Is this about you being jealous?
If so, what fucking ugly skin to wear.