Not sure if you're still checking this topic but I stumbled upon this post doing a Google search because I'm a Cancer guy who's into a Sag girl right now. She's not the first, either. I don't know what it is about you ladies, but I'm drawn to you like a moth to the flame. Or a crab to the pot, perhaps. And this time around (and because I'm a little older and wiser) I recognize a lot more about our dynamic than with the others who came before.
Having said that, it should be noted sun signs are a terrible way to determine compatibility. You really need to check each other's birth charts. There is much more to a person than just their sun sign and it's everybody's unique mix of planets at the time and place of their birth that really makes up who they are as individuals. For instance, I'm a cancer sun, but a leo rising. My sun is my inner world, my private life, the side my closest friends and family get to see. My ascendant is the face I show to the world. It's how I am in public and at parties, etc. For me that means a constant tug-of-war between my cancerian need for privacy and my leo need to be the center of attention. I am also a leo venus and venus is the planet that really tells you about how the person handles themselves in romance and love. It's much better if you know each other's venus signs and then compare those for compatibility.
Ok, phew. Listen. I've confused the hell out of plenty of girls in my life. And I know how intense a Sag girl can be for an emotional cancer. You guys are fun-loving and flirty and don't like to be domesticated, generally speaking. You're also not terribly emotional. Cancerians live in their private world. They live there with their emotions. We are intense lovers sometimes, especially if we love and completely trust the person. And that's another thing, we are not very trusting people. It takes a long time, sometimes years, to really come to fully trust someone in our lives.
Now, you're a sag girl. This means you love the attention with which a cancer man is able to shower you. This also means when he withholds it for a period of time you spend a lot of time wondering what's going on. But you know what? Secretly, you love that part, don't you? Hmmmm? Yes, I think you do. You love the push and pull in an affair. You love the mystery of "What's he thinking now?" You love to be kept guessing every now and then. And, if he's smart and he's done his homework, then he knows this is what he has to do to keep a Sag
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Sure, just let me gather my thoughts. fucking merc retro screwed me up badly.
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
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The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
I am extremely territorial.
Think AK-47 territorial.