a good easy read

Linda Goodman "Sun Signs" is a must have. This book is an astrology bible. So so so accurate and you will love it i promise x

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I dont really care, as long as i dont have to convert to a religion. Id like my kids to be catholic (dont have to practice but be at least baptized.)
Posted by Chance15
Posted by StoicGoat
Is one of those holding a hot dog?

either that or he didn't like the results from his home std test
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so he's showing it off haha!
Funny TLS....remember the advice you offered to me regarding my sag relationship? smile
You were right. You see....sometimes love isn't all that is needed to make a relationship work.
5pm Friday here!!!

= Happy! smile
ere, thought I gave my contribution as I felt a bit shocked with this!

Posted by trashedbliss

1. They love/prefer a challenge - her words were, if it seems like the person doesnt care or want them, then she will become more enamored with them faster.

If he doesn't show he's interested, I move on. I do like a challenge, which is not getting things when/where I want it. Hard to get, but with evident, slow proof we are getting somewhere!

Posted by trashedbliss

2. If you come with the same thing every day then youll bore them and they'll move on

He may come up with the same thing everyday. If I'm in love, I'll naturally find something new to focus about him. I can get out of my boredom by myself.

Posted by trashedbliss

3. To switch it up, ignore them for a bit after a serious topic; itll confuse them and entice them to why you arent catering to them

If he ignores me, I'll ignore him as well. See, it's a cycle, leading nowhere.
It's not confusing, it's a good-bye call. If I wanted a caterer I'd pay him, not date him.

Posted by trashedbliss

4. If they start sending long texts explaining themselves or their affections for you, towards you, especially after a mini-break, then that means they hold serious attraction for you

This is kind of true.
I do avoid going over the top with the explaining part, and I avoid asking for them.
But I love when I get them without asking.

Posted by trashedbliss

5. What they look for is someone who is different and can keep their attention; they prefer confident people and since they are passionate, someone who doesnt "react" when they react or who will call them on their shit/mind games is someone they will take notice with
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Yes, if he's condident it's a turn on. But balance is a must, I do have a soft side to share and give confort, some vulnerability from time to time is ok. I'm passionate, and I appreciate it too.
I'd be more confortable with someone who reacts loudly like me.
If he ever thinks I play shit/mi
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
Posted by SanchoElMejor

thank you!
here's one for you....
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there used to be one for beer??_. ??? anyone know it?
Posted by aPiscesPrincess
Air/Water (Sun in air + Ascendant in water, or Sun in water + Ascendant in air)
A very imaginative and sympathetic combination - these individuals are good at dealing with people and have a way of being real "darlings", appealing to most. They like to communicate and are usually good listeners. But at times they can be too agreeable, avoiding harsh and direct confrontation. They will tell people what they want to hear rather than what they really feel. Air/water people should learn to stand their ground and be less vacillating. It is likely that they follow some creative endeavour - any artistic or intellectual outlet is a potential goldmine for their inner growth. It may not be the most honest and reliable of combinations; these folks see "truth" as a relative concept, and are tempted to use fantasy to recreate their own view of the world.

I got this from http://www.astroroom.com/element-combinations.html

I thought it was interesting. Does it seem true for you?

This one is me. Osmile
actually its 4.33pm... hence the wine on the desk rather than at home of the deck... I'll update in 1/2...Laughing
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
@MissLibra your answer is simple, don't respond. If you keep responding, it'll only enable his behavior. This is the first the step to getting over him. So it's up to you

I thought I had answered that ..
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You did. I agree with your advice. Thank you for your honesty. smile
Posted by LilliLou
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by LilliLou
bad obsession... venetian blinds- when one is flicked up the wrong way... eek! or one side is 'up' and the other is 'down' - eye twitch- I have to fix them...
they are the bane of my life!
good obsession... shoes!!! glorious shoes!!!

I have that one on Venetian Blinds as well..

what about post-it notes? I struggle if they are all different colours and if they have .different lengths sticking out, then I have to keep pulling them off until they line up- by which time they've inevitably run out of stick thereby rendering them utterly useless!!!
(^exhausted just typing and thinking about the work involved!^)
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Stop! lol
I don't mind the differing colors too much (unless they clash), but the alignment.. I am a little weird about it. Sad