Posted by wowjaoquinn
sometimes i get pisces and aquarius mixed up, or aquarius and capricorn mixed up. really weird.
its hard to determine between the fire signs, but i can easily spot fire sign.
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Posted by ReddmannScorch
meh! win some you lose some i guess,move along. If not then why ask this question of him. U definitely interested in him. That's the alluring mystery of us cancers i guess.
Posted by caster721Posted by ReddmannScorch
meh! win some you lose some i guess,move along. If not then why ask this question of him. U definitely interested in him. That's the alluring mystery of us cancers i guess.
Similar to what CC said, i wonder why she got all mad with her.... OR wait, i know why? Probably the leo sun crushing with leo moon, mercury and venus. How about that?click to expand
Posted by scorchedearth
gemcandle is european = cultured
random hick capricorn = not cultured
there's a reason why the rest of the world thinks american's are all idiots...
Posted by Xel1337Posted by RichCap
He hates us so much he came here just to tell us
I feel special now
LOL no
I don't hate ... just dislike
hate is too petty... that indicates some emotional based grudge
Stop projecting FFS
if anything I find capricorn pathetic and amusing... endlessly greedy and without optimism.. and a big liar... it's like they don't know what honesty and loyalty are
And they expect you to EARN everything and what earn means to them is giving them something
This includes friendship...
they are so false... and sneaky... underhanded.. narcissistic.. cruel.. and greedyclick to expand
Posted by RichCapPosted by Xel1337Posted by RichCap
He hates us so much he came here just to tell us
I feel special now
if anything I find capricorn pathetic and amusing... endlessly greedy and without optimism.. and a big liar... it's like they don't know what honesty and loyalty are
And they expect you to EARN everything and what earn means to them is giving them something
This includes friendship...
they are so false... and sneaky... underhanded.. narcissistic.. cruel.. and greedy
And we drink your milkshake.
Thanks for all the to expand
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
wtf? They all look the same lol.
haha exhibit
Posted by afteryesterdayPosted by miamivirgoPosted by afteryesterdayPosted by miamivirgo
Please help.
Is there an Afteryesterday to English translation app out there?
I know he is trying to tell me something I just have no idea what.
this what i virgo world everything must right to get resepect from them.even they know what i mean,but they dont know how to reply me.because they know capri men always right
Please this guy has something to say but just comes out like random words strung together. Can anyone help him? I know english is a second or third language for him but somebody should be able to cut through syntax errors and poor juxtaposition or words.
I am sorry to argue with you Afteryesterday; I understand that it is not you but your choice of words.
even i not expert in english i still can beat all virgo teacher out my emotion.not like you who still attack my english,because you know if i expert in english you not have chance to beat me.all capricorn men in us can beat you virgo.have a nice day loserclick to expand
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