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Posted by lisabethur8Posted by StillWaterPosted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Since when does cute automatically equate to "being less manly"? This is the question I would like an answer to..
He attracts Cap women by the droves...he HAS to be a gorilla with "class"click to expand
Posted by Arielle83
Smile. Dont perv on us. Be friendly, polite, funny. Pick up lines dont work, but magic tricks do.
Posted by 2BlackIndian3
Maybe because they are different from you. Plus they may complete you as a person. You can even learn from them. So It's not necessarily a bad thing.
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoomPosted by lisabethur8Posted by StillWaterPosted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Since when does cute automatically equate to "being less manly"? This is the question I would like an answer to..
He attracts Cap women by the droves...he HAS to be a gorilla with "class"
Add to that Taurus women, Sag women and Aries women..click to expand
Posted by aquarius09
No, you're not weird.
Personally, I can't stand virgos for me to even get to friendship with them.
Fire signs ignite my fire and I can contemplate a fling, but there's something there that doesn't get commitment out of me. It's the recklessness of a fire sign.
Water signs have this laid back, hubby material vibe that brings commitment out of me. Cancer men love me and not so much for th aqua in me. I have this thing where I only get involved with guys I see myself marrying and a cancer senses that non aqua trait in me.
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