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Oct 17, 2013Comments: 386 · Posts: 8654 · Topics: 308
Haven't seen signs of a big scary shakeup, but have been contemplating some changes...
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
Do you know the Muppet man?
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Apr 02, 2014Comments: 49 · Posts: 252 · Topics: 21
I find most of porn very comical. I prefer books and magazines.
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Funny, I rarely see a slim girl wearing sheer leggings (or any skimpy, see-through anything), it's always the big girls that do it. Maybe it makes them feel sexy or whatever.
One of my friends is a really big girl & she believes that any outfit she doesnt wrestle with must be too big for her. She squeezes herself into the tiniest of things. Don't know how she does it. Sadly they make her look even bigger because they are squeezing her in all the wrong places, creating several bulges in the process. She is a VERY confident person, though. I like & envy that about her.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
Factoring in cultural influences is fine. In fact, cultural anthropology, like astrology, is another field that looks at things from a high level of abstraction. You'll see all sorts of generalizations about the nature of societies (e.g. collectivist vs. indivudalist), core values of societies (e.g. honor/shame-based vs. guilt-based), psychology of its members (e.g. three-zone or dyadic personalities in Mediterranean anthro.), etc. No dispositions, traits, habits, etc. exist in a cultural vacuum and no one is saying they do.
Again, no one is saying that every Taurus or Scorpio is loyal, just as no one is saying every Aries is assertive, or every Cancer is sensitive, every Libra is indecisive, etc. With astrology, we're generalizing about inclinations, influences, and tendencies. Your point about psychology is also off base. Firstly, there are many different fields of psychology and very few that even deal with classifying people according to broad personality types. The kind of traits discussed in psychological texts usually don't even overlap all that much with key astrological traits of the sun signs. Psychologists don't really spend much time trying to figure out why people are prone to jealousy, or more intuitive than others, for instance. And if they do, its highly theoretical (like most of psychology). Saying that looking at sun signs as endowing us with certain inclinations is conflicting with psychology, is like saying genetics conflicts with psychology, because the latter endows us with certain dispositions. We can be classified as genetically inclined to depression, and still be helpfully diagnosed with a psychological disorder that encompasses depressive symptoms. Neither astrology, cultural studies, or genetics rule out the explanatory efficacy of psychology. They're actually complimentary in how they help to explain the enormous complexity of the human person.