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Posted by strudel
well damny is the least libran communicator idk y u 2 even consider it an option.
Posted by TwirlingStrawberryPosted by Piscescrazy91
Do Scorpios really have piercing eyes?
Do you? Whats your experience?
never heard of such a thing.click to expand
Posted by Sag89Posted by ZombieCatPosted by Sag89Posted by ZombieCatPosted by DMV
He will loosen up as soon as he feels like you have truly loosened up.
honestly, hes afraid hes going to get bitched out any day by you. Hes probably been down this road b4 with women. Most sag men have.
This is usually how things go. Man wants sex, gets said sex, woman eventually wants more, talks to man. Man tells her hes not interested in a relationhsip. Woman, aganist her better judgement, says sure not a problem. Man thinks everything is cool till the shit eventually does become a problem because said woman initially lied to herself. Man gets stabbed and or killed. Lol, maybe cursed out.
my sag has been stabbed b4.
Oh lord. I thought women were complicated.
See, I'm crazy. I would stab him. But I have self-control.
And I'm used to this.
I've only ever been a booty call, always wanted more. Like whats the point of sex? Usually it's cause you like the person. You like em? Be with em.
That's how I view things. ugh Seriously I'd just like to be with and talk to adults for once.
Than don't say you're ok with just sleeping with people if it's not what you want.
I can settle. I may not agree with it at first but I get over it.
I'm not gonna throw a fit or anything.
You don't get that feeling that when you meet a (seemingly) perfect guy, you're never going to meet another one again?
No. I don't think anyone is perfect.click to expand
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