confusing Taurus man

We accidentally met on a mutual friend's bday 3 weeks ago. I tried to avoid him (I still cant handle it :/) since it was a packed bar, but he tried to get my attention without saying hi (like try to always be in my line of vision... very obvious) but ended up going my way anyway when i started to talk to a guy. Gave me a kiss on the forehead, told me he knew I was avoiding him and ask if I was okay. wtf Sad leave me alone. I sill maintain no contact afterwards.
Then, my friends just informed me that he's been inquiring about me, asking how am I in the past two weeks (since we still have no contact.). A friend of mine told him to sod off and made him promise her to stop bothering me, because he made me sad ("you have a gf just leave her alone") and he knows it. "Don't disturb her anymore if all you gonna do is to make her sad." He said ok, promise. Then not even a week later (yesterday) he texted me out of the blue talking about something completely irrelevant (but related to my interests, though not his) Which leads me to ask my friend what's going on.
I think even for a bull liking his harem, this guy is kind of pushing it. Why work this hard. What does he get from this. I guess he's just enjoying the reactions. Pretty cruel huh.

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