1.What are some things that make you really happy
Beauty in all its forms, well-made artifacts, thoughtfulness, repose in solitude (with an engaging book), being of service, not feeling ashamed, transfiguration through art, breakthroughs in my own understanding, the rush of power and vitality i get when i'm dancing, or singing, or simply reading a poem or listening to music, Earl Grey tea, food and drink with floral flavours...I could go on (and my initial response was 'nothing'!!)
2.What??s your favorite color
The point on the spectrum where purple meets blue - 'indigo' to me, but that word can refer to quite a range of bluey shades...
3.What??s your favorite food
Um, maybe dark chocolate with violet flowers, or violet cremes... But those are luxurious items. For everyday, probably avocado with black pepper.
4.What??s your favorite dessert
See above - also lemon sorbet
5.What are some of your favorite books
I don't have favourites, but I have books that epitomise for me certain stages of my life, which seem to tie together everything that was on my mind at certain times, and crystallise it... Books that come to you in a fated way... E.g. The Wild Iris, by Louise Gluck, The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing, Life With Picasso by Francois Gilot, Ted Hughes' Letters, anything by Chaim Potok, blah blah blah far too many to think of - these are just the ones popping into my head right now
6.What are some of your favorite movies
Blue is the Warmest Colour; Under the Skin (with Samantha Morton); Dancer in the Dark; Il Deserto Rosso...
7.If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
If I knew the answer to those, I would be writing it!
8.What kind of music are you into
All genres - have to be attracted by the spirit of the person(s) making it, so it's not really about style , but about the energy it comes from
10.Are you married
11.What??s one of the scariest things you??ve ever done
got up this mornin'
12.How did you meet your spouse / girlfriend / boyfriend
at work
13.Do you have any kids
not a one
14.What do you do for fun
read! And wander, potter, seek a shiny penny
15.Do you like traveling
I like the experience of otherness, but I usually get very anxious in the time between having made a plan and actually having to carry it out - left to my own devices, I would probably cancel all travel plans! I need to feel physically safe, very much, but other ide
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Apr 11, 2014Comments: 139 · Posts: 687 · Topics: 16
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Jul 19, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 175 · Topics: 13
is that what it is? I didn't know the cardinal cross was going to do that.. but yeah I did have two people from my past come back..
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Apr 02, 2014Comments: 49 · Posts: 252 · Topics: 21
-Scorpio Venus
-Acuarius Rising
-Sagitarius Moon
-Libra Mars
-Virgo mercury
ideas/cultures/landscapes excite and inspire me
16.If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go
17.What are some things that scare you
Human beings, pigeons
18.Do you like spicy food
19.If you were a type of animal, what would you be and why
nice little black cat
20.Who??s your best / closest friend
myself, in all honesty.
21.Do you cry easily
Yes - usually alone (or with special invisibilty skills)
22.How do you feel about public speaking
23.Have you ever been in a fist fight
24.What did you do on your 16th birthday
don't remember much about it, except that went out for a meal in the evening
25.What??s the best prank you??ve ever pulled
I'm deadly serious
26.If you knew you would die tomorrow, would you feel cheated today
No, not cheated, but incomplete.
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Jun 08, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4581 · Topics: 75
This poor guy. He asks to sit on some chic's lap and she ridicules him and he can't talk to girls anymore. He comes here for help and asks what he should do and we give it to him worse. He's gonna be afraid to ask anyone anything. Of course the kinds of questions being asked...not asking might be better.