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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Follow your gut instincts.
An error that many women make is they feel he's the one within a small period of time.
Do not fall in love or even potentially feel like you can fall in love until you know the direction he's going in.
@When I tell him I have work to do he insist that I'm putting him second. When I don't let him have his way it turns into a conflict, being secretive and hiding his phone.
That is a red flag, listen to the red flags, be objective about it, be fair about it and base your decision off of that.
He could be married for all you know or in a live in relationship type of situation. Just make sure you know him first before getting too involved.
Do any of you other Aquas feel lonely?
The type of lonely that just cant be cured, like its you vs the world.
Or even when your with friends or a bf / gf you dont even feel like their there with you?
Not trying to sound depressing or anything, this is just a common reacurrance in my life, and I'd like to know if Im the only one. It also feels good to get it out in words.
How do you deal with it? Does it get better, maybe with maturity and age?
Hi bkbella86 and tiki33,
My dad is a Taurus and is still a gentleman. He is stubborn as all Taurus men so I feel that I do have first hand experience of their kind. When my dad saw how I was feeling with my ex he could not respect him anymore
The breaking point was when I paid for a ticket to visit him overseas and seeing something wasn't right with him and he couldn't even say I don't want you to come here or ever see you again. I had to cancel my ticket which my dad was so upset with. Here is someone willing to make the time effort and spend their money for a $ 1000 ticket to visit him and I had to cancel it instead. From that point on my dad did not want anything to do with him.
Although my dad is stubborn and we argue over everything since dad does not budge, dad says he needs to teach me how to argue because no woman in his family is being raised a dumbo but needs to know how to question everything and answer back.
I wonder if taurusbull1977 response to every Taurus thread here is "move on and delete this thread" and "Taurus are noble beings".
Well the ear a lot of other signs here that also see thru the Taurus bullsh*t
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Mar 20, 2014Comments: 588 · Posts: 4834 · Topics: 128
Sounds like your relationships could be in a tense or stressful state at the moment. Sometimes if there is no easy solution, it seems like the best thing to do is nothing. Not to react, not to make any choices, just continue on like nothings changed or effected. What seems strange to you in the context of new events, could just be hyper normal activity from her. Hoping that if she doesn't do anything different, or make any waves than nothing has to change.
But idk what's up with her personally, but I thought you could use a less dramatic take on what could be going on, based on what you described.
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
It never ends with these threads.....
So there seems two types of Caps, the helpful or the bitter, if we were all colour coded in our star signs, I think some of us caps would destroy each other out of jealousy and spite.Id stand back and watch.
Stun your affectionate mummy with your creative Gifts of Flowers, Cakes and Chocolates on this Mother??s Day and make the day very special and cheerful for her. Send attractive presents to Japan on this loving day and show your best love and respect.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Yup, it's chronic. It was better when I was younger. Something just changed in my late teens & I became a recluse due to how lonely I felt even with people around so I figured, why bother being around people if I still feel lonely. I think it has nothing to do with people imo, but something to do with the soul. Personally, I feel like I'm yearning for something bigger than myself. Bigger than this world even. It's like a constant unquenched thirst.
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
...While staring at a wall of laundry detergent I notice a dark brooding man checking out the fabric softener. Our eyes met only for a moment, but in the millisecond I felt something so intense I lost my breath. It was in his stare, the way he scratched the side of his head and exhaled, I knew....he was a Scorpio. Only a Scorpio man could make a chore like picking fabric softener look so damn sexy and intense. That expression he gave me when he saw the Woolite Darks Laundry Detergent in my hand---I knew he wanted my number. My girlfriend swears he was just passing gas when he shifted from one foot to the other, but what does she know. Water signs share this unspoken connection that other Sun signs simply don't get.
...and then it happened. He walked by and he said excuse me. It could be the cart that was in the way, or that he was shy---Scorpio men can be so sensitive. Was "excuse me" code for "I really like you?".....or maybe "I am too shy to ask for your number". I wish he would just work through his feelings and talk to me. Oh well, another one bites the dust. His loss. Or is it mine? Now we'll never know.....