sun in pisces, venus for me looks to be on a cusp of Aqua/Pis
Mercury in Aries and Jupiter in Cap. That's about it. and then
scorpio stuff in me haha....
Wow! I had no idea you and Debra met at work. Sorry, you mentioned it in some post I haven't read.
How long did it take for you to ask her? I guess if it wasn't for that *shock* you wouldn't have right?
Do you guys still work together or one of you left the company?
I know he likes me and as you said struggling to approach b/c we work at the same place. I tried watching him play from a hidden spot, and he'd me all looking around for me. He wouldn't be watchingt he ball, his head would be turning around to see if I am there. Then when get out of my hideout and take a seat at my usual sport, he will put on a show - laughing more, running all over for ball, he just has the best of times.
Do you think I should say anything about his sick brother that I heard? His brother is 100s of miles away in another city. Would it be ok to ask him about his brother? Would he even care to invite me to see him? Or am I just crossing thhe line?
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Kris has his knickers in a twist again!..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Elliot, my eldest brother is a pisces..he's a total player..can't keep a woman more than 5 minutes!..I just find them irritating..although I do get on with him..I swear he must have some libra in his chart somewhere..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Aww thats cute and quick!..well done ladyscorpion..hahah
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
thanks m&m....
keep that in mind next time i go to my sado clubs and meet the ladies....
Signed Up:
Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
Ok, guess who am I? hahaha
I just realized I accidently logged in as sweet&sour.. damn...
Almost makes me wanna hang myself..