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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hey sagangel,
I've been where you are and believe me I know the feeling. Last October, that cancer guy came to visit out of the blue -- previously we had a very confusing arguement (later he told me that the argument was prevoked by him because we were getting too CLOSE (???).
I hadn't saw him in one and a half, so natural I was more then alittle shocked we he drops by my place. I brainlessly hugged the cancer along with "making up" with him. He promised that things were going to be different and that he wanted to change his life around. He asked for my caring heart in order to support his "fragile" one :::OH GIVE ME A BREAK :::
To make along story short, he broke all those *wondeful* promises in favor of other women. I REFUSED TO BE ANOTHER NOTCH IN HIS BELT ... so I let go of my emotions and took MANY steps back.
It was hard only because I grew to care for him BUT BUT BUT, I didn't feel for him enough to live a lie.
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'...Some women think they can change guys.....'
sooo true... but they r dissappointed coz hey no one is ever going to change for ya... maybe for a while YES but they go back to their old ways....