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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
'So a gentleman, by your defnition, will open a door for a crack whore, to go out and cause more damage to herself, her kids, to strangers? How is that being a gentleman?'
You are such an aqua... LOL, my aqua male friends do this same thing.
His ability to be a gentleman has nothing to do with what the crack whore is going to do once she gets in or out that door.
Dancing Bread, I've read elsewhere that aquas have a tendancy to be very outgoing and seem to give out a lot of false signals to people that they meet. She seems like a very sweet girl an all, and I'd like to be friends or even more with her. It doesn't matter at all. My problem is, I feel like I'm being toyed with and I don't want to lead myself to believe it's more than it really isn't. The last girl I dated did exactly the same thing, it's almost like she didn't want to go out with me, just doing it to be nice or something. Then the last girl I was interested in seemed very interested in me. Then I find out from her friend that she really likes me, but because she's super picky, she just wanted to be friends. It's hard to deal with really. I rather just flat out be rejected, then messed around with, which seems to happen every time. I guess my question is, since I suck at this, is, how do I probe her without sacrificing what friendship we've gotten already. I also don't want to smother her to try to get attention, but I'd like to do everything I can to see if she's interested back.
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
SB~ you should just tell us more about your cap. guy who moved away, in detail...?
Yea, I can definitely let my personal life affect my career, but i am a female... I could give a crap about my career for the most part; if my personal life isn't going well, and I'm not going to have kids sooooon... then what's there worth working for and earning money for? That's my personal perspective and very female, and I have cancer rising and some other piscean influences in my chart. I work to live, and that is 100% the case each day of my life.