Would You

I didn't even read everyone's other threads but I know that i asked myself this question many many many times when i was with the cap guy for close to 4 years, all the shit we all talk about happened over and over and over again with me saying enough so many times i sounded like a parrot...and then i asked myself very simply "would I remain friends with someone(girl, guy, doesn't matter) just friends with someone who treated me this way? and my answer was no...i have had some friends who for whatever reasons and it didn't end with a blow up but after realizing that friendships/relationships need to be two way streets to survive cannot grow and be fruitful if BOTH parties are not participating. so to answer your question no...regardless of morals, it's more a self esteem self respect issue for me...i will not be a door mat for anyone anymore, male female, friend or lover...we BOTH need to be contributing to the relationship...i think it's a great reality check, thank you

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