we met on net,exchanged mails, phone calls and texts for three months .we live in different countries .My man told me that he is very sympathetic , caring , loving mail who strongly dislikes lies , cheating and fake people .I trust him and shared even my intimate stuff with him .Recently i detected some of his lies but didn't show him that i know about his lies .A few days back we met and got engaged to be married in a few months .He had suggested we go to some place together to know each other better as we would not be meeting for months after that .But when the moment came recently after our engagement , he went there with his relatives and didn't tell me at all about his tour .I was waiting for his call .I came to know accidently that he had altready left for his trip .I am so badly hurt about his uncaring , cold and strange behaviour .Why did he lie ? How could he forget that i trusted him and was waiting to meet him after three months of distant affair ?Are librans so insnsitive to their loved on's feelings ? Should i look ahead for a happy and fufilling relatioship with him ? I cry a lot over this .Plz suggest something .
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Tupeline: "i have no idea if you are another user on this board, i don't waste my time comparing ip adresses or reading up old posts. let's put it this way: if you aren't another user here, the reactions on your posts were really mean and inappropriate and everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves. *sticks tongue out*"
Alright, but, if she is this other person and is yet again, on here playing head games, like we believe, then what . . . *sticks tongue out at you? Then she should be the one ashamed.
Second, this started being objective. Nobody called her anything until she decided to take it personally. This is an open board, she asked a question. If a person makes a chioce to take something personally went it wasn't intended that way, then that's really too bad if their little feelings get hurt. An Aries should know this above all else, for they are known for running ramshod over peoples feelings. She made this about her, not us.
Furthermore, if she tries to come up with a different screen name, we'll catch her again. Don't you think it's odd that 3 different people believer her to be someone esle. YOu don't see us doing this with anyone else. She can't hide, she's not smart enough.
We don't take to people playing games, period.
Gem girls are wrongly portrayed as flirts, actually they do not brood much over a male if he ditches her .They may feel initially shattered as gems are sweet innocent kids actually , but they come out of depression sooner or later and start searching her new love of life . they keep on trying till they find their real soulmate .Gems attract men due to their innocence ,intelligence , sense of humour and twinkling in their eyes .Acquiring a gem girl is similar to having a Harem full of queens with different qualities .Is this a bad deal ?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Its the best definition..What lies beneath..Deep isn't something that can be defined quite easily as it differs for each individual..
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
I like your term "'congnitive comforting'."
My interpretation of deep is fairly similar to Aguaaqi's but just in my own words:
I think a person is deep if they can make connections and associations of ideas and concepts without necessarily having a lot of physical proof as back up to their theories. For example who was the first guy to say that the earth was a sphere and not flat? Galileo was it? Well anyway, he put the proverbial 2 and 2 together of what his research had taught him and made the bold assertion that the world was no flat at all which could well have cost him his life back in those bygone times.
A deep person transcends the shallow surface of something and uses his or her keen analytical skills - gleaned from intellect, repetitive learning, natural intuition....any other source that's given them insight - to see beyond what's staring him/her right in the face. Quite often this takes courage, belief in yourself, and happiness with your perception of thing. That's also why I agree with Aguaaqi's comment that it's good to be in a group of like minded people who make a person feel less alienated and starnge. This applies to shallow people as well actually!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I dont' mind games either, so long as their in the bedroom. Don't realy have to play, so long as I get to watch, lol
p-angel, if she uses a different screen name, why don't you just ignore her? if she wants to play and noone's taking part in her game, she'll lose interest very quickly.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
That was beautiful.
Wow, Arieswoman, you're an amazing woman.
Rock on !!!!