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Posted by ReincarnationPosted by CluelessCancer
What Happens in Europe Stays in Europe! 1992? She's in her early 20s. LMAO....wow. come on.
how old are you?
You are giving Cancers a good name, I see.
I'm 24 (11/12/1989).click to expand
Posted by BeoWulfPosted by Reincarnation
My Fish just returned from Europe. She was there for 3 weeks - traveling with a girlfriend. (She stayed at hostels by the way. We all know what happens at hostels at night.)
I caught her with a bruise on her thigh - right next to her flower. It looks exactly like what you would imagine something like that would look like.
..She did act weird on the phone one night in Europe and hung up on me for some reason....
... the next day she told me "sorry" ~20 times and "I love you" ~15 times.
The clues, Sherlock. The clues.
The "Sorry" x 20 and the "I love you" x 15 is usually because of guilt....because of what happened while she was over there.
The others will disagree with me but as a Scorp, you should know your own instincts are more trustworthy than the words of others.click to expand
Posted by MoonArtist
I know! It stands for eXtra long time to reply to PMs
Posted by aquapiscescuspPosted by aquasnoz
Hmm I'm going have to look into this flaxseed nowI'll be honest I haven't been all that great to my body, so far there's only vitamin D deficiency but should probably look after it better now.
Aaaaand, well I've never wanted to be buff BUT I sorta want to entertain the idea and see how I turn out haha.
Before and after pics?click to expand
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