keep looking. there are women out there who are looking for the same thing. i've been through those stages, as have most of my friends. I don't know how old you are, but a "friends with benefits" situation is all we were looking for when we were in our late twenties. We didn't want to be bogged down. Maybe someone in that age range?
Is she supposed to keep on after this guy, after he's told her he only wants to be friends?
That's probably the major problem, "keeping on after this guy" they've only known one another for a short time, why was she pushing to know where it was going. It was very obvious he liked her, what's wrong with going with the natural flow of getting to know each other, of course he wanted to just be friends he doesn't know very much about her but he was trying to get to know her.
That's why we have such a high rate of divorce anymore, no one wants to go slow and get to know one another any more. I personally think she did him a favor by showing her true colors now, that she couldn't hang through the long haul, which is probably what he was looking for. Something about her originally attracted him to her, to the point he wanted to know her better. it takes time for a persons true colors to shine through either for the good or the bad in some cases. I dont think theres anything wrong with taking things slow. Truely what did she have to lose by going slow. And if it turned out to be just friendship well you gained a friend you still haven't lost anything.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Most people are quite understanding with their partners, especially when it comes to family members. And Virgo's are very patient and considerate at these times. If you had been short for no reason, he might have a bad reaction to that. But, under the circumstances, he would treat you the same as you would treat him and that is with respect.
Don't sweat it, if he loves you, then he'll show up later with a smile and a warm heart. And, maybe even your favorite flowers. You're a special woman and I've no doubt that he recognizes that.
*My* scorp is incredibly faithful (to my knowledge), though I don't know if that's all scops or just mine. I have a huge trust problem either way though. As soon as I catch someone in the tiniest lie, or even something as stupid as an exaggeration, I second guess absolutely everything they say.
Another problem I have is the constant intensity. It can be incredible, but when I'm being reserved and trying to just relax and unwind.... You get the idea.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
"... It leaves me scratching my head asking.. wow should I just lie to them like 95% of men would..lead them on.. tell them how much I like them.. this is not a route I want to take."
Well surely you have to like them a little to want to have sex with them? I mean I thought you just said you were picky. You can be honest in a blunt way or you can be honest in a nice way. Maybe you're taking the first approach.
I personally like to have some kinda level of relationship with a guy if I'm having sex with him, even if it goes nowhere. There fairly little in being with a man for a one night stand of sex. There is for the guy I guess. Maybe I suggest you either go after 1) a woman who is already in a relationship who wants a bit on the side, 2) women in the nightclub who may well be up for it, or 3) a prostitute
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
Christien my lov
Tis a long time , how is life by the cart with the tart. I need to come and the golden words spoke in a pub the words a man loves to here ( are you alright). Do you smoke lov? and how has it affected you the ban? As for owning this site I couldn't I would get pissed and cut everyone off. I would probuly cut myself off. tis life lov.
And no GL I don't think you were being harsh. The aqua guy i've been with for almost 2 years now has taught me some very valuable lessons along the way. When i read her posts I went back to the begining of the relationship he and i have. I was once like her, i pushed and pushed to define where i stood with this man. We got along great and we had alot of fun together but that wasn't enough for me i kept pushing for a definition are we friends are we more than friends where is this going (it had only been six months or so). when i look back now i realize six months was a very short time to know one another (especially an aqua, they are very intelligent and complex individuals) and in all honesty we are still learning about one another. A relationship is kind of like a book, you get into it and anxious to know what happens next so much so that you often times miss the here and now. Which is some of the reason the divorce rate in america is so high, no one takes the time to truely know one another anymore they quickly want to turn to the last chapter and find out the ending. He ended up leaving me with the "can we still be friends line" which turned to the "things have gotten weird between us we need space" and it took me two months to learn my lesson (he did the same thing he called me and it just confused me more, how can we be friends and cease all contact). He still wanted to be friends because he still had feelings for me, but he logically knew we would not work out because i was so consumed with knowing the end of the story that i couldn't enjoy writing the book with him chapter by chapter. The two months we were apart was a great learing experience for me, I missed his friendship so much that i was forced to look inside myself and i learned my lesson. He is my best friend, i don't question where our relationship is going any more and i don't have to define it with words either it is what it is, i know he loves me and cares about me, he doesn't even have to say it i feel it. If i had not learned my lesson i would have missed out on a great guy. Yeah he may walk away from me tomorrow but the book was absolutely worth reading.